
Monday 10 October 2011

Giveaway Celebration!

Hello peeps!

I haven't been blogging for a few days because I had a lovely friend from England over to stay the weekend.

And guess what happened last week when I wasn't looking?  

I passed the 100 followers milestone!  Yippee!  Thanks everyone for hanging in there with me through the moans, groans, successes and disasters!

To celebrate I've teamed up with the lovely Julia from Gone to Earth to offer my wonderful peeps some yummy goodies. 

Gone To Earth offers all the latest designer fabrics, as well as yarn, sewing & knitting patterns, tutorials and more!  Well worth a visit.

So take a look at what you might get:

View the full collection here.
And .....
View the full collection here.
So, to be in with a chance of winning BOTH of these charm packs here's what you need to do:

1. Pop on over to Gone To Earth and subscribe to their newsletter.  Then come back here and tell me you did.

That's it - painless, wasn't it?

I purposely don't ask folks to become followers just to enter a giveaway, but if you are genuinely interested in my blog, then I'd love to have you listed as a follower and I always try to revisit the blogs of my followers.

I will choose the winner on Monday 17th October with the help of Mr Random Number Generator.  Please check if you are a 'no reply comment blogger' on your blog settings as I won't be able to reply to you.

Best of luck everyone!


  1. will go sign up for the newsletter now, CONGRATULATIONS! Proud to be one of your first 100 fans.. lol

  2. Hi Judith, I've signed up for the newsletter

  3. I already subscribe to Julia's newsletter and of course I'm a follower!

  4. Great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win. I have signed up to the newsletter.

  5. Congratulations on 100 followers, I know that they will enjoy your lovely blog, I sure do. I have subscribed to the newsletter, it looks like a great store.

  6. Congratulations! Good for you! I just signed up for the newsletter!

  7. You deserve every last follower and more. Congratulations! And I've signed up for the newsletter.

  8. I've signed up for the newsletter - I didn't know they sold yarn...swoon!! Having thoughts of a lovely crocheted blanket for the winter...congratulations on all the followers - up to 104 at the moment!!

  9. Congratulations!! I have signed up for the newsletter and already following :)

  10. signed up for the newsletter. Congratulations for the huge following, well done

  11. I already subscribe to Gone to Earth and you know I've been a follower from your early blogging days :)Congratulations on passing the 100 barrier :)

  12. Ooh congratulations on getting over that 100 followers barrier. Went to sign up for the Gone to Earth Newsletter and got very distracted by all the goodies over there!

  13. congrats! i popped over and signed up to their newsletter

  14. Congratulations on your first 100 followers! Here's to many hundreds more! Just signed up to Gone to Earth's newsletter (and lost about an hour browsing through the fabric!)

  15. Congratulations on your 100 followers of which I am one.
    I signed up for Julia's newsletter.
    Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway.

  16. Yes I have signed up to subscribe to their newsletter. I am excited to enter this giveaway.

    P.S thanks for your tips on how to stop being a no-reply blogger, hopefully I will sort my settings out by the end of the give away!!

  17. Thanks Judith. I signed up for the newsletter and I'm one of the original 100!

  18. Well done Judith, have just been to register for the newsletter.

  19. Yay, congrats on the 100 followers!
    I have signed up to the newsletter. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. signed up for the newsletter :))

  21. Congrats on 100 plus followers Judith and this is a great giveaway! Have just popped over to Gone to Earth, who I love and have subscribed to their newsletter.

  22. I agree with Sarah (our Narco friend) - it is great to be one of the first 100. Thanks for sharing. Oh and I signed up for their newsletter.

  23. Congrats on the milestone!! Your celebratory gift charm packs are lovely-- thanks for the opportunity! As you know, I'm already a follower of yours, but I went and signed up over at Gone To Earth (cool name) as well.

  24. I've just been and signed up for the newsletter... I couldn't quite figure out how to follow their blog too, but I'll keep popping over to see what's new on it!

    I'm delighted to be in your "original 100" followers too :)

    Giles (Touch And Sew /

  25. I have signed up for the newsletter..... Bought fabric from them before but hadn't spotted the newsletter sign up before.

    Great giveaway.

  26. Ooo well done you! I love Gone to Earth, have just subscribed...

  27. Congratulations Judith, lovely giveaway! I've signed up for the newsletter.

  28. What a great blogging journey you've been on this year, my friend. 100 followers is a great milestone - well done you! Signed up for the newsletter at Gone to Earth - have ordered from them before and they have lovely fabric bundles!

  29. Congrats on passing your century, thanks for the chance to win :o)

    I've signed up for the newsletter

  30. I receive the Gone to Earth newsletter (and I'm a subscriber to your blog too) thanks for the chance to win.

  31. Hi Judith, I just subscribe to their newsletter and I'm definitively becoming a new follower of yours :o) I have no blog yet... just working on it... Thanks for the giveaway!!

  32. Hi - I'm already a subscriber - does that count?

  33. congrats to getting over the 100, i just started to follow you! i signed up for the newsletter. thanks for the giveaway:)

  34. Congratulations on 100 followers. Your blog is fab! I am already a subscriber of 'Gone to Earth' newsletter. Thanks for the giveaway.

  35. !00 followers thats super. Please enter me into your lovely giveaway. I have subscribed to gone to earth.. Thanks for the chance.

  36. Glad I found your blog! I follow Gone to Earth on Reader and now you, too! Congrats on the milestone and thanks for the give away!

  37. Congratulations on over 100 followers! I've been enjoying your blog for some time now and it's nice to be part of a growing band :)
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway - Julia has some gorgeous fabrics and I've now signed up for her newsletter.
    Your Christmas classes look like they'd be great fun, hope they go well for you.

  38. Although I have followed Gone To Earth's blog for some time now and bought fabric from them (they are great!) .... I'd never got round to signing up to their newsletter. However, I have now!

    Thanks to their blog, I've now discovered yours so I shall enjoy having a look round :)

    Congratulations on reaching over 100 followers and holding such a generous giveaway. Good Luck to everyone who has entered :)

  39. Wow I was happy as I reached 13 recently. I subscribed to the newsletter and as a newby to bag making have joined for tips and inspiration :)

  40. I'm already subscribed to Gone to Earth which is how I discovered you!

  41. Hi :) I already subscribe to Gone to Earth and am so pleased to have found you :)

  42. I have joined the Gone to Earth newsletter. The charm packs look lovely. Congrats on the 100 followers!

  43. I have found you via Gone to Earths blog and have updated my newsletter preferences as I already subscibe.

    Off to have a good browse of your lovely looking blog!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it & I will always reply. (If you don't get a reply from me it is because you are a 'no reply comment' blogger. You might want to change your blog settings to make sure folks can reply to your comments more easily.) Jxo