
Wednesday 1 June 2011

Crazy Daughter Quilt!

I had asked for suggestions for names for the 'long awaited throw' I'm making for my eldest daughter (15).

One of the suggestions was Crazy Daughter Quilt (you shall remain nameless, for now!) because of the crazy patchwork method used, not because my daughter is crazy - she is lovely, and caring, and sensible (& sometimes reads my blog!).

So this is what I've done so far:

I haven't yet measured the finished size, but each crazy block is 12" finished.

And speaking of 'finished', after talking with my daughter about it last night, it doesn't look like I am, because she would like it a little bigger!

So another round of crazy blocks & cornerstones to add, and then maybe the front will pass teenage quality control!


  1. Just goes to show - you should never ask their opinions!! It looks lovely as it is and will be even more so when it is bigger. I am sure she will appreciate it big time.

  2. Its great! Plurple and greens, my favourite!

  3. It looks great, lovely colours!

  4. I love this crazy quilt! :)

  5. That's a real stunner! Love it.. lots of my favourite colours in there. Thanks for coming round to Very Berry, and glad to be in touch via Brit Quilt. :-D

  6. As you know I have a penchant for purple and green! This one is very scrappy, crazy, chic!

  7. I've never been mad keen on crazy piecing but having seen Hadley's and now yours? I am a total convert. This is so lovely - and quite grown up while still being funky. Perfect for a teen!

  8. More blocks will make it just more wonderful!


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