
Thursday 2 June 2011

Blue Skies & Colourful Post!

2 reasons to smile today:


2. Mr Postie brought yummies!

I entered Jo's (Bearpaw) giveaway in May and out of over 1200 entries, my number was picked!

And what a generous giveaway at that - thank you Jo so much, I love every single item.

The cutest wee needle case & pincushion
And all this fabric .....

I know these pictures are too bright to appeciate the colours & patterns, but I'm not complaining - it was so lovely opening this packet in my sunny garden.

Thanks again Jo, I will spend many hours stroking and druleing over these before actually putting them to use  - bliss!

P.s. Jo is also in the Brit Quilt Mini Swap, which I am in, and I am secretly (well not that secretly!) coveting her kaleidoscope quilt - check it out here!


  1. What a fantastic giveaway to win. I am soooooo jealous! But pleased that you got it at the same time. :-)

  2. Ooh how exciting - what a fantastic win! Just know you will eventually make such yummy things out of these!

  3. so pleased you got it all safely - enjoy Judith!


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