
Monday 30 May 2011

Time to Pay It Forward!

I love this concept of making a handmade gift for someone, just because .....

..... because us creative types love receiving handmade gifts & appreciate the time & effort put into them;

..... because it's so lovely getting a wee parcel in the post, maybe even from another country;

and because, we know that the blessing from our gift will be passed on to even more people.

So, for my 3 lovely ladies I have made some gifts for them to enjoy.

I can't show you the full bundle yet, because I know they'll be reading this and won't have received their gifts in the post yet, but here's one of the gifts.

Mmmm .... who gets what?
And here's a glimpse of something else they're going to get.

So Sarah, Reene and Leanne - keep your eyes on that postman (for all the right reasons of course!).

And today, I bought me some of this .....

Basting Spray!

Not cheap, but anything is better than pinning & tacking large quilts (groan!).

In finishing today, I want you to know that I'm having a mini crisis over my Brit Swap Quilt (which is why I haven't posted anything about it lately!).

I promise to reveal more on this tomorrow - beware - it's UGLY!


  1. Lovely PIFs - is that a hint to get my butt in gear!!

    Oh no, what has happened to the beautiful BQS??

  2. Ooh exciting - my postman already thinks I'm mad, he won't know what's hit him this week! Let me know how the basting spray goes.

  3. Well, I will be looking forward to the mail, thank you!. You are certainly speedy.

  4. Basting spray is a worthy investment, I think! Maybe the BQS isn't as bad as you think?...I promise I will be honest when you show us though :)

  5. My PIFs are nagging in the recesses of my brain, but not totally forgotten......


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