
Sunday 29 May 2011

The Sun is Shining!

It's feels like so long since we've seen blue skies here that I had to take a picture!

Okay so not so much blue sky in this pic, but the sun is definitely shining!

A rather hot 'Poppy'!

And one more thing that made me smile today ...............

This is my 12 year old dressing up as her dad!  

Don't you just love it when kids can still be kids and enjoy things like dressing up.

Not much to report on the sewing front today, although I have been a busy beaver!

Yesterday I launched my Saturday School for Beginners.  I had 6 newbies for the day, and with my 'beautiful assistant' Sarah, we had lots of fun conquering fears of rotary cutters and sewing machines.

Well done girls, you were amazing!

I've also been working on my Pay it Forward gifts for Leanne, Reene & Sarah.  Almost finished girls, not long to wait now!


  1. Could you kindly not finish your PIF before I get your's to you!!! Too much going on. I will get it done. I WILL!

  2. Sunshine & showers here. Glad your Saturday class went well.

  3. Never been called a 'beautiful assistant' before! Thanks! It was fun passing on the addiction! Mini-dad looks so funny, must show this one to Bean tomorrow.


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