
Sunday 26 April 2015

Four Extra Hands!

At Bee Blessed yesterday we had 2 extra helpers!!

Bee Blessed April'15

Di and Trudi are visiting myself and Sarah this weekend, and causing no end of shockers, giggles and quilty chatter!!  So we put them to work!

Bee Blessed April'15

And here are a few BB progress shots and quilt finishes:

Bee Blessed April'15
Bee Blessed April'15
Bee Blessed April'15
Bee Blessed April'15
Bee Blessed April'15

Also, we hope to soon bring you some exciting news about the continuation of BB!

I'll leave you with a breakfast shot from our time together this morning!  (The fry was delicious btw!)

special Quilty friends April'15

Jude xo


  1. LOVED quilt pictures!!!! And you all do look very happy to be sewing together - and having breakfast! I really need to get back to my sewing again. I have taken a 2 month break and after this eye candy enough is enough!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. It looks like you had a lovely time, so nice to get together with friends.

  3. wish you'd all come here!!

  4. Jealous? Me? Never! I must say I'm rather disappointed you didn't use the 'sausage shot'

    Can you tell I'm trying to catch up with my blog reading?

  5. Looks like a fabulous time was had by all and great quilts made for Bee Blessed!

  6. Aw, looks like you four had a fabulous weekend! Super excited to hear about Bee Blessed continuing (despite my own recent inactivity, I still consider myself a Bee Blessed-er in spirit!)

  7. Oh, that all looks like fun! I spy a couple of my blocks in those quilt tops too! Silly really, but I find that very exciting! xx

  8. Oh such a lovely weekend. I love seeing all the blocks becoming quilt tops too. We have some really lovely ones on the go at the mo.

  9. Looks like so much fun! Quilts are taking good shape!


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