
Tuesday 16 December 2014


Yes, that is panic in my blog title!

The decorations went up at the weekend - check!

The present shopping is done - check!
The fabric lollies were handed out - check!

The stockings are made - check! (will show you these soon)

And my Brit Bee secret santa pinny is made - check (another future reveal!)

However, I still have some presents to make for mum, sister, daughter and nephew!

We also have the dentist this week (seriously bad timing) and then of course there is the food shopping (not too soon), present wrapping (paper cuts), school Christmas concert (icy cold church), work dinner (absolutely nothing to wear), carol service (ahhhh) & Christmas eve games night (Uno anyone!)!

Somewhere in there I would like to take a minute to remember what Christmas is really all about!

Hope you are 'enjoying' the festive preparations!

Jude xo


  1. You are so far ahead of me, there are, after all, several days left.

  2. I have quite a bit of Christmas sewing still to do but, ever the procrastinator, I'm now doing housework instead! You sound most organised by comparison, looking forward to the stocking reveal xx

  3. by Christmas Eve it will all miraculously have fallen into place, and those things that haven't, well they'll not matter in the long run. Enjoy the madness!!

  4. oh, I'm starting to feel panicky just reading your to do list :) Good luck!

  5. The food shopping is almost the worst, like planning a battle campaign. At my age you remember when shops actually closed for at least 3 days, it's like an ingrained panic.

  6. I have finished work, and will spend tomorrow emptying the bags and boxes of presents I have, and hoping my 'to buy' list doesn't get any longer!
    Liking the lollies!

  7. woah chill! i'm feeling stressed just reading that! good luck! x

  8. Oh no it isn't. It isn't, it isn't, it isn't. Do you believe me yet? ;o)

  9. Eek! I'm starting to panic now!


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