
Sunday 13 April 2014

Feet . Ground . Not Touching!

Yes it's been another busy week, with precious little to show for it.

Although I did manage to get 3 patterns written!

The only sewing I can show you is this.

Flex Frame Pencil Case

I found time to have a wee play with a 3.5" flex frame for a class next term, while I wait on more sizes to come.

Flex Frame Pencil Case

I'm also waiting on some pattern tracing paper to progress more tops for youngun', fleece to back my friends' birthday quilt, classroom floor space to baste 2 quilts, and a significant dose of sewing mojo to crack on with a tonne of class samples!

My kids have started their Easter hols, and I've one more week and then I'm off too!  First time off since Christmas!  Boy it's been a long term!

Hope you've had a great weekend!
Jude xo


  1. very nice, I have some of these flexi frames but where are they? Enjoy your time off over Easter, not sure how I found time to work as I certainly have no time for it these days

  2. Now I know what to do with the frame I got in the swap. Thanks for all the inspiration! Hope you have some sunshine to motivate you a little more ...

  3. very nice idea to use a flexi Frame for pencils - sweet!

  4. Love the felt tip case! Good luck with all that sewing - I can't wait to see what you're making!

  5. Not much on then ;o) Cute wee case, and annoying as the day job it, just keep reminding yourself it's feeding you. I have to remind myself of that sometimes ;o)

  6. Super cute pencil case and enjoy your well deserved week off x

  7. This is a fun idea for a pencil case, and a great way to use up favourite scraps.

  8. you have come really good ideas and you execute them so well

  9. You know I love this camper van fabric!! I want to make everything with it!

  10. Did you seriously write three patterns this week? Wowza.
    Your little pencil pouch is super cute - where do you get your flex frames from?


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