
Saturday 2 November 2013

3 Score Years and 10!

Today was mum's 70th birthday!  Happy birthday mum!

Mums 70th Nov13

We had a lovely evening at my sister's house, celebrating, eating, drinking and of course opening presents.

Mums 70th Nov13

Mum loved her 'Overs and Unders' quilt and cushion set!  Unfortunately she wasn't allowed to keep it as I needed it back for the exhibition next Saturday!  Sorry mum!  I promise you can have it back after then!

Mums 70th Nov13

And it wouldn't be a visit to my big sis' house without the usual round of silly pics!

Mums 70th Nov13

Mums 70th Nov13
We love each other really!

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!



  1. My goodness your mom does not look her age! Happy Birthday to her from Canada. You made her a beautiful quilt and cushion. I enjoyed the pix.

  2. Wow, look at that picture, you and your mum look so much alike. She looks fantastic, I sure hope I look half that good at 70. Happy Birthday to her.

  3. Hi Judith! Thank you for sharing your beautiful family photos! Your mom looks much younger! Happy Birthday to her! You made so beautiful quilt and pillow that I'm sure she's waiting to get them back quickly! Have a lovely Sunday! x Teje

  4. Wow, there is no way your Mum is 70, she doesn't look a day over 50, good genes, no wonder you only look about 30!! :O)

  5. Great pictures - glad you all had a great time

  6. Gorgeous photo's, hopefully this week won't be too cold for your mum!

  7. Glad your mum loved her pressies. Even pulling silly faces you still look beautiful my friend.

  8. Happy birthday to your mum, looks like a lively day! What a gorgeous pressie!

  9. Happy birthday to her, and yay that the quilt will be staying over, not under the bed ;o) Well, when she gets it back that is...

  10. Deary me, you give a gift and take it back?! Jude.... lol Happy birthday to mum and glad she likes it :-)

  11. Happy Birthday Mum! Poor mum not getting to keep that gorgeous quilt....yet!

  12. a very youthful 70! And poor her not keeping the quilt, at least you get to borrow it back whilst it is still new! happy birthday to her.

  13. Looks like you had a wonderful time :) Happy birthday, Mom!

  14. Happy Birthday to your mum! Looks like you had a lovely party and enjoyed the fun!

  15. You and your mum have identical smiles. Knew she would love the quilt. Glad it was a wonderful family day and a very happy 70th to her.

  16. Genetics eh?! You lucky bugger!
    Knew she would love the quick glimpse she got of her pressie xxx

  17. I believe that makes you an Indian giver - lol.
    You look so much like your mum, looks like she had a lovely day.x

  18. Congratulations to your beautiful Mum. She certainly doesn't look her age. Must be all the good genes in your family that keeps you all young. Lovely to be surrounded by your family. xxx

  19. So fantastic to see, how your mom is happy with her new birthday present. Well done, good daughter :)

  20. Happy belated birthday to your mum! So glad she liked the quilt set, though how could she not! Fun photos!


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