
Thursday 11 July 2013

Circle of Friends!

Secret sewing project number 3 was for a special couple who needed some comfort and hope during a tough time.

A group of us got together to make blocks, which the generous and talented Susie then pieced, quilted, embroidered and bound, to produce this beautiful quilt called 'Circle of Friends':

Circle of Friends Quilt for Cindy & Brian June13

Susan embroidered the names of all the contributors onto the back:

Circle of Friends quilt for Cindy & Brian June13

How cool is that!!!

The block we all made was this one:

Circle of Friends block

We actually made a couple of blocks each, but for the life of me I can't find the photo of the other one I made!!

And there were enough blocks leftover for a matching cushion:

Circle of Friends cushion for Cindy & Brian June13

Cindy and Brian have now received their snugglies, and are delighted with them. 

I just want to say a huge thank you to Susie for the hours & talent spent pulling this wonderful project together. You can read more about this project here on Susan's blog, with more wonderful pictures to view!

Isn't this quilting community just the best!



  1. Brilliant Quilt!!!! I just love it. And what fabulous quilting Susie has done.

  2. This quilting community is simply incredible and I am entirely grateful to be a part of it. You guys have been so wonderful to me through our rough spring. Thank you. Circle of Friends has pride of place on the couch these days and has been used in more than one little sneaky nap :) Judith, thank you.xx

  3. This is so beautiful quilt and filled with love and warm thoughts! I know Cindy and Brian love it! x Teje

  4. Wonderful project, don't think I'd tire of looking at that quilt and good to see the block close up.x

  5. How warm and love filled. This is great. Made an extra smile fall into my world today!

  6. Oh bless you. Nice post and thanks for being a big part of this.

  7. What a beautiful gift filled with love. Just love the quilt. Marie x

  8. Absolutely smashing. As we know quilts are a fab way to say that we care.

  9. Woo hoo - such a fab project!!

  10. Wow! What a wonderful quilt... I'm sure it's going to be much, much loved!

  11. Oh so beautiful! White and multi-color always sucks me in :) I should really be buying more white!!

  12. I love how the colour just pop in this! Such a simple design but really lovely!

  13. This is absolutely super!!


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