
Wednesday 9 January 2013

Tell Me a Yarn!

I managed some ritual Christmas & New Year crocheting again this year (seems like the only time of year when I sit still long enough to do any!).

First up is an afghan:

Crochet Afghan Jan13

I started making the centre granny squares for no particular purpose (that I can remember!) an embarrassingly long time ago.  I decided to be decisive about them, sew them together, and just keep hooking border rows around them until someone found me old and buried underneath it!

It now takes me an hour to hook a row! It is satisfyingly addictive and not mentally taxing, so I think there will be a few more rows before I have to decide how to finish it! Crocheted lace trim? Bobble edging?  Suggestions on a postcard ...

Next is another WIP! 

Crochet Cushion Front Jan13

I started making these circles last Christmas (2011) and fell out of love with them when the pattern said to square them with white.

But with my decisive head on this year (it doesn't get put on that often!) I stuck with the pattern, made the centre (which turned out to be teeny - 9.5" square - this is supposed to be a cushion!), and then did my own thing by adding a few border rounds.

I thought I'd crochet the back differently, and made 2 3 4 attempts at a chevrons.  But alas, I couldn't get the width right, and had to concentrate too much, so I've given up!

I guess you'll be seeing this WIP again this time next year!!


  1. Crochet is the one thing I have never tried-these look stunning-i must give it a go

  2. I love crocheting in the winter time, with the WIP draped over me keeping me all snuggly. Great projects.

  3. Gorgeous! It looks great. This will be one of the things I will ever fail and never try again

  4. Ooooooo these are lovely J! Something about Christmas always makes me want to crochet - possibly because I can sit with the family while doing it, and because you can watch a movie once you get your rhythm going. Before the lurgy I started a crocheted snood because I thought I had lots of cosy time to work on it over the hols. I will have to pick up again soon or it will not be ready until July, when I very much hope it won't be needed!

    Looking forward to seeing more results of your decisiveness!

  5. Love the granny squares afghan - the colours call to me. I can't imagine crocheting the circles that are that small - turned out quite lovely.

  6. 2 lovely projects- that afghan looks huge! My Mum taught me how to crochet this Christmas when I was at home. Really want to do a ripple blanket for the baby but currently stalled re indecision over what type of wool to get!

  7. lovely crochet! I love the granny squares x

  8. Hi Judith! Both your crochet look so beautiful! Wonderful colours! I love to crochet but as your said, when to sit for a while. x Teje

  9. Great crochet - couldn't you just stitch some fabric to the back of your cushion and have done - just don't let the crochet police know! It would look lovely finished!

  10. I would love to be able to crochet. I'm hoping someone will give me some pointers at the retreat.

  11. You're obviously a master hooker now!

  12. Crocheting is addictive so if you sit down long enough you will have these beauties finished soon. The key is to sit down! Di x

  13. ooo! It's so pretty! I love the bright colors you're using!


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