
Sunday 1 July 2012

The Busiest (& wettest) June on Record?

The highlights for me this June were

* Fat Quarterly Retreat in London

* seeing months of planning come together in our Exhibition/Fund Raising day on 21st. 

* handing over the Pippi Quilt to a young girl in need of hope and blessing.

* and seeing my baby girl turn 11, finish out her last year of Primary School and try on her 'big school' uniform!

So many more lovely things happened this month, which are too numerous to mention here.

But I'll leave you instead with my monster mosaic of makes for June (I did make a few other bee blocks in June, but they were for July so I'll pop them into next month's mosaic!).

Linking up with Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day.


  1. What, that little jaunt to London didn't do it for you? ;o) Still the makes all look great :o)

  2. What a month! You will be well in need of your holiday. But you should be proud of all you accomplished, not least the show.

  3. Wow! You made all of that in June? Great work! I'm so jealous that you were at the Fat Quarterly Retreat. It looks like it was so much fun!

  4. Wow you did so much - especially considering you had the retreat and exhibition to fit in!

  5. You sure did squeeze a lot in to a short month! Well done roomy :-)x

  6. My, my you did have a busy month - time for a rest I think!

  7. It was a great month, and yours was especially brilliant xxx

  8. Fantastic month, and didn't you get so much done! Fabulous :)

  9. Did you sneak in an extra week into that month or something?

  10. Amazing amount of sewing done. You have packed so much into a month. You definitely need some time off and have a break. Di x

  11. Such wonderful projects you made this month!

  12. Gorgeous month of makes!

  13. Fabulous month for you Jude!

  14. It is a monster mosaic - you did so much and the retreat too!

  15. Wow, Judith! What a month! I think you've managed to fit as much into June as most people fit into an entire year!! ;)

  16. Blimey! How on earth did you do all that in a month? I think you must have a time turner secreted somewhere about your person ;o)


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