
Monday 5 March 2012

A Very Special Quilt!

You may remember that January was my month to get the Brit Bee gals spurred into action.

I set them the task of making me log cabin blocks (2 each), wonky, traditional, hexie, whatever they wanted, as long as the centres reflected something of themselves.

Well, I knew they would do me proud, but wow! Just check out how amazing their blocks are!

Here are some close-ups to let you see the wonderful details!

It's really hard to photograph this quilt.  It's 70" x 70" and each block is so personalised.  I've no idea yet how I'm going to quilt it, but the back will be more of the lightweight denim you see in the front.

To me this quilt represents an amazing year with my 11 new friends, who mean alot to me.  We have laughed and cried together these past months, and shared the highs and lows of our lives with each other.  

And what better way to seal a wonderful year than to all meet up for a weekend of madness craic at the Fat Quarterly Retreat in June (can't wait!).

Thank you girls for giving me a truly wonderful memory quilt.  I will treasure it forever.

P.s. Checkout a gorgeous giveaway today by the equally gorgeous Cindy, celebrating her 1 year blogiversary!


  1. Fab quilt, I love the denim sashing too.

  2. Beautiful quilt. You girls will be the loud ones in June then? :) Di xo

  3. Ah, that is very special.x

  4. Love you too J! The quilt looks truly awesome!

  5. What a lovely quilt and also nice to have created something so meaningful. I really like what you have chosen for the sashing - makes all the colours pop.

  6. that is lovely and special x

  7. Wow - what a fab quilt - so much character

  8. It looks really great seeing them all together.

  9. Oh wow, love all the different blocks, how cool, especially the triangle one!

  10. I bet you don't just see a quilt here you see each and every one of those friends - very special!

  11. Oh it looks brilliant Judith! So proud to have played a part in this one!
    Can't wait for June xxx

  12. OOOoooooooo! This may be one of my most favouritist quilts ever, it looks so cool Judith, and I can spot all the lovely bees! x

  13. That is a stunning quilt, the Brit bee is so talented!

    P.s I have just awarded you the Leibster blog award x

  14. It's a fabulous quilt - I love the sashing and all the different blocks are marvellous!

  15. That is looking wonderful!

  16. What a great job Judith, looks fantastic!

  17. what an amazing quilt - and full of such memories. It looks fabulous

  18. So lovely to have a quilt that really means a lot to you in each block. I adore that stitched Brit Bee and do I see Smurfette? I looooove Smurfette!

  19. Wonderful quilt - I love that the centres express the person that made them! So cute! Love the denim too :)

  20. This is just stunning with all the blocks together! A very special quilt indeed, so happy to be a wee part of it :) x

  21. It looks amazing Judith! What a special quilt :) I love being part of our wee Bee and can't wait for June either x

  22. It looks absolutely gorgeous. All those blocks come together so well. Fab creation Judith and so pleased I could be a small part of it. And I can't wait for the madness in June!

  23. Woohoo!! its fabulous, I love it!!


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