
Tuesday 31 January 2012

Announcing ........!

.... my new Etsy Pattern Shop!

This has been in the making since last September!  

I'm not big into selling the actual items that I make, but I love providing people with the means to get creative and sew for themselves.  So I thought that I may as well sell the patterns that I design for teaching in class, and it also gives me the opportunity to sell one or two other items if I feel like it e.g. handbags etc.

I don't mind if there isn't a huge take up rate for these patterns - but I know that even if only 1 sells now and again, then that is another person I've hopefully inspired and helped to make something they will love. 

At the moment there are only a few patterns available, but I have a tonne more waiting to be written up, proof read and loaded up!

I'd love it if you would pop over even just to have a wee look and tell me what you think!  I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve things.  Oh, and feel free to spread the word!  Just click on the Etsy button at the side and you will (hopefully) be taken to my shop!

Have fun!

P.s. Thank you to those of you who have proof read patterns and helped this 'techno numpty' make this possible!  You know who you are! Jxo


  1. Woo Hoo! Lucky us. I'm off to check your shop out now.... Di xo

  2. I'm back after checking out your shop. It is full of lovely patterns. I'm very tempted by your beach hut cushion. You have a very nice shop sign too. I'm sure it will have lots of visitors and hopefully customers. Di xo

  3. Eeek (squeeking with excitement)I have just been to your shop and bought the pattern for the denim bag I have been admiring for so long now..... whoooo hooo, thank you. your shop looks brilliant - I am also tempted by the beach huts...... one thing at a time!

  4. OMG! I have had a look, am so proud of you and you have two sales!!!! Squealing away with excitement for you here.

  5. wow love your shop and sales already!!! fantastic work x

  6. Congrats, Judith! How exciting! The items in your shop are lovely (just like you :0) ) What a great idea-- and I love the pdf thing b/c for me to buy from here (US), the shipping would cost more than the pattern, so you are not limited internationally. Good luck with your shop!

  7. Lovely patterns Judith, i've favourited the beach huts and wall hanging to come back to! It's also great to see the beginner/intermediate tags on the items as well. Well done, can't wait to see some more. xx

  8. Woohoo! Way to go Judith! So pleased for you! Off to have a nose at your shop now :-)

  9. Well done J! The shop looks lovely!

  10. Yey! The shop looks great, excited for you!

  11. ooh! This is so exciting! I'm heading over there right now :)

  12. Congratulations Judith! It looks wonderful :) Cute patterns and I think it would be good to sell some of your bags too :)

  13. Wonderful news, already you have a lot of patterns available!

  14. Very nice, and congrats on the sales already too :o)

  15. Well done you Judith! That's so great :)

  16. Great news! Shop looks fab :-)

  17. Woohoo! Well done friend - may your little cash register be chinging away as people merrily purchase you gorgeous wee patterns!

  18. Well are you a Jude or a Judith?!

  19. Congratulations! The shop looks great - I hope it's the huge success it deserves to be!

  20. Congratulations and good luck with it all!

  21. Oh I hope it will be a fantastic success my friend xxx

  22. So this is what you've been up to! That's brilliant news, J, am off to click the link now and have a browse! x


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it & I will always reply. (If you don't get a reply from me it is because you are a 'no reply comment' blogger. You might want to change your blog settings to make sure folks can reply to your comments more easily.) Jxo