
Thursday 13 October 2011

Christmas Gifts - Part 2

Details of my Celebration Giveaway can be found here.  Giveaway closes Monday 17th October.

Ok, here is my 2nd project for my Christmas Gifts classes to make:

You've seen me make some of these tissue pouches before.  Once you get the hang of the pattern, they are so quick and easy to make, and a great way to recycle smaller pieces of fabric. 

There is no wadding in these, and you can decorate them how you like.

I like to fill mine with novelty packets of tissues, but I'm finding them hard to come by these days!  I will have to take a trip to a few garden centres to see if I can pick up some funny ones!

These are also the perfect size for storing mobile phones.

I hope to soon have a Christmas Gifts Part 3, when I get more things made, so watch this space!

Have a great day!

Judith xo


  1. These little pouches look so handy. I have something simular for my mobile phone. I like your rug mug also can see the velcro been handy.

  2. Finding it hard to choose my favourite!!

  3. great idea for a wee christmas gift Judith!

  4. How great that you posted this idea today.....

    I just went shopping this morning and bought three of those little packets of tissues wondering if it would be possible to make a cute little pouch for them (incidentally they were 12p each at Home Bargains if you have one near you - really cute ones with pink high heeled shoes on and some bright orange spotty ones!)

    Now I just need to work out how to make the pouches.

  5. Oh, I am so chuffed you're putting these into the Christmas gifts class - I love them so much and can see all sorts of uses! Yay - fewer shops to visit for pressies now, just some stash hunting!

  6. These are very cute, your class will have fun.

  7. v cute. The last one with the fuzzy button is adorable!

  8. Oooh lovely, especially the flowery one with the pompom!

  9. They are so cute will have to make sometime!

    Thanks Judith I'm only figuring out all this! i couldn't figure out how to allow people to leave comments last week!!
    you have a great blog by the way look forward to reading your future posts:)
    p.s congrats on being my very 1st commenter

  10. aww, this are lovely, and I love your fabrics

  11. Love all the different looks to what is essentially the same item. And that wee star on the one!

  12. Those are adorable!! I like that style much better than the tissue holder pattern I've used in the past. I can't tell from the photos, did you stitch the velcro on, or is it self-sticking?? Great Christams gifts!!


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