
Thursday 1 September 2011

August Roundup!

It is with mixed emotions that I enter September!

I'm glad to get the kids back to school after 9 weeks off (phew!) and get some precious quiet time to myself, but I'm sad that our short summer season is at an end, and a disappointing one at that!

At least I got a lot done in August, both work & leisure projects.

And check out what my eldest daughter spent most of her summer doing:

These tiny little creations are made from Fimo, baked in the oven, then glazed and details painted on.  She has been making her own jewellery and fimo beads for several years, but this summer she got into the YouTube craze of Japanese style charms and ornaments.

Harry Potter & Friends - Poor Harry's lost his wand!!
Alice In Wonderland Characters, with a female version of Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter!
A couple of weeks ago we did a car boot sale and Shannon sold some of her creations there.  They were v.popular and she earned herself some extra pocket money.

These wee guys are tiny!
A cute milk bottle!
I'm in awe of her talent and patience to spend hours on the details of these tiny creations.  I don't think she gets that from me!

I'm linking this up to Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day.

Happy first of the month everyone!


  1. Great month for you and your eldest! Can't see what you have up your sleeve for Sept.

  2. You did so many little lovelies in August! (esp no.6, thats bloomin awesome) And wow, I love your daughters makes too - cant decide which one I'd want most... milk carton, donut or ninja.... lol

  3. Wow, you have been busy. But sorry, your daughter has upstaged you ;). Those are gorgeous. She is very talented.

  4. Have to agree with Nic, clever, clever daughter, and yes, she probably DOES get it from you - think how patient we have to be cutting all that fabric up and sewing it back together!!

  5. Very productive month for both of you by the looks of things! I'm sure she does get the artistic talent from you, and kids can happily spend far more time patiently doing things than us because they don't have meals to cook, clothes to wash, houses to clean, other children to run round after... ;o)

  6. Your August was full of wonderful work, nice to see it all together! Your daughter is very talented!

  7. Strong creative streak in the family. You can both be proud of your achievements. Is you daughter taking orders - she could do very well with a little Etsy shop!!!

  8. That's a great collection of projects to show for August.
    Your daughter's fimo creations are brilliant. I imagine they'd sell well anywhere.
    Teresa x

  9. You've done so much this month! Love the Harry Potter group!

  10. Love your daughter's creations...cannot choose between the blue koala, milk bottle or donought.

  11. 9 weeks off? Wow, that's a long holiday! I love everything you've made this month - especially the jelly roll quilt (sorry, can't remember its name!). Your daughter is so talented (and patient!) I love the blue bear! These would be great as pin toppers/scissor charms, etc. - bet your ladies in class would buy them!

  12. Ohh I remember those long holidays growing up in Ireland. Lovely mosaic of lovely things.

  13. Wow those little fimo creations are amazing! Your daughter has lots of talent and patience! And you've had another productive month with lots of pretty finishes!

  14. Yep your stuff is great, but your daughter's is amazing!! What a talented girl, you should definitely be sending her out to work selling these! I'd buy them!!

  15. Wow! The little charms are really great! Totally cool for kids AND adults. You have a talented daughter, there! They'll sell like mad.


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