
Sunday 27 March 2011

For someone special!

You may remember from previous posts that this has been Mug Rug Madness week!  Check out what the Flickr Group has been making this week.

I've been wanting to blog about a Mug Rug I made for a very special friend, but couldn't until I'd given it to her today (she's a follower of my blog!).

My friend Sarah of SewMe is having a love affair with the colour purple this year.  Check out her amazing cushions and quillow in vibrant purples & greens.

She has also recently taken a shine to paper/foundation piecing, so I thought her Mug Rug had to have these key elements: Purple (a must), green & foundation piecing.  So here's what I came up with:

The little house is significant because Sarah is a true homemaker and her house is full of warmth and love.  She has been a huge inspiration and encouragement to me. 

Enjoy my friend!


  1. No one has ever made me such a thought-filled gift and I feel truly privileged to be the recipient of an "original Judith" - almost as privileged as I am to call you my friend! I'm admiring it perched on the mantelpiece for now, one day it might see a cuppa and biccie but for today it's on display!

  2. I really like the bits of lace! Lovely mug rug!


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