
Tuesday 20 September 2016

Woodland Friends Quilt

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I'm super excited to be able to show you some of my new friends!

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork, Oct issue)

This is my Woodland Friends quilt, made with Aneela Hoey's 'Foxgloves' & 'Vignette' collections on an Essex linen background.

It all started with a commission from Popular Patchwork to make an Autumnal/Woodland quilt.

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork Oct16)
Photo: Popular Patchwork
I found a picture of a fox and started drawing over it! And so 'Vi' Vixon was born!

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork Oct16)

But Vi needed a friend to play with, so 'Rusty Red' came out to play!

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork Oct16)

Now Rusty is a cheeky chappie, and he and Vi get up to all sorts of mischief. Especially when sleepy 'Flora' Fawn is trying to nap ....

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork Oct16)

.... and 'Boris' is busy sniffing and rustling out tasty treats on the forest floor!

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork Oct16)

'Olive', the great and wise overseer of the Woodland is tut tutting at Vi and Rusty!

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork Oct16)

She sends in 'Harriet' Hare, the only sensible fur in the whole forest, to keep harmony between the rascals, the nappers and the rustlers!

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork Oct16)

Order once again is restored and all the friends can enjoy the treats of the forest!

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork Oct16)

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork Oct16)

I so enjoyed designing and making this quilt. The characters evolved organically, and they have become like little characters to me!

I chose satin stitch applique for this quilt, using 'stitch n tear' behind the bondawebbed shapes.

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork Oct16)

Next came the tricky decision on how to quilt it!  I couldn't bring myself to sew through my cute new friends (I tried, honestly!).  So in the end I went for 'interrupted' vertical lines. 

And to top it all off, Popular Patchwork put my Woodland Friends on the front cover of the October issue!  Weehee!

Woodland Friends Quilt (Popular Patchwork, Oct issue)

I hope you have enjoyed meeting my new pals.  

And what would you think to me running this as an applique Quilt-Along next year?

Jude xo


  1. They are so darn adorable! I will have to go look for the magazine....

  2. what a great quilt, have stopped getting Popular Patchwork as do not like it since the new editor took over but think I will have to pay a visit to W H Smith1s and get this one the animals are so cute

  3. I never buy Popular Patchwork but get it just for this pattern, it is adorable. I think a quilt a long would be a fab idea. x

  4. Gorgeous quilt....would be perfect for a quilt along....I'd happily join.

  5. Oh my stars! What a fabulous quilt. Aneela Hoey's new line is my current crush. I love the Fox In The Foxgloves. I would happily join a quilt along for this finish. Thanks for showing us your wonderful work.

  6. Perfect Jude.... Like the others above I will break my magazine embargo for this pattern, perfect for my Grandson.... x

  7. That is just the most adorable thing I've seen in a long while! Definitely picking up a copy - have 2 baby presents to make and these little guys are perfect!

  8. fantastic quilt, don't know how I missed this post. Love your story infill too. I would join in for an applique quilt a long, haven't done applique for quite a while now.

  9. I love your woodland friends they're really cute. In fact I've just bought Poplular Patchwork for the first time in ages just so I can have your pattern. Keep em coming 👍🏻

  10. This is fabulous! And an AAL sounds like a great idea!

  11. I've just come across this post. Don't know why I missed it first time. Doubtless distracted at the time.... but it is such a sweet quilt and the colours perfect. Some animal quilts are just a bit too twee for me but this one with those striking rectangular borders and lovely animals works really well.

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