
Sunday 28 August 2016

Almost Autumn!

It would seem that Autumn is just around the corner!

Crawfordsburn Aug16

Lots of evidence of it today on our lovely picnic and walk around Crawfordsburn Country Park.

Crawfordsburn Aug16

Crawfordsburn Aug16

Crawfordsburn Aug16

Crawfordsburn Aug16

Crawfordsburn Aug16

Crawfordsburn Aug16

Of course that means a new term of sewing projects for me.  Can you guess what type of projects I've started working on?

I'm not even going to mention the 'C' word, but that's how I'll be spending my last few days of summer!

Happy sewing!

Jude xo


  1. I have already started with the C word. Wit working full time I find I get precious little sewing sessions in my life so I have spent part of the summer holiday making pouches, crochet hook rolls, and tissue holders as Christmas presents. That way I won't be too stressed nearer the time, and at least some of my gift will be hand made. One friend told me that the was worried now I was back at work that I wouldn't have time to make her a birthday present anymore and she would only get something shop bought. x

  2. Hi Judith! Autumn is my favourite season and I'm so happy to see your beautiful photos! Autumn is sweet, soft and calm season! But here it is still ful summer so no C in my mind (had to think hard what the C means). I hope you have warm and sunny autumn! x Teje

  3. I love autumn but I am not quite ready to move on from summer, in fact I'm hoping for an Indian Summer. And ... don't mention the C word

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