
Sunday 20 March 2016

The Best Model Ever!

It so hard to get good models these days!  They can be so fickle and demanding!!

But not this one!

Easter Bib as modelled by Cutesie Tootsie!

How adorable is this wee lady, modelling one of my Easter bibs! 

Easter Bib as modelled by Cutesie Tootsie!

So obliging, especially when it came to cuddles and playtime! I think I'll be hiring her again for sure!

If you would like to make one of these easy peasy bibs, you can get the free tutorial here.

And talking of small and cute, I had a little play with my collection of vintage wooden spools and some Liberty scraps. 

Old Spools clothed in Liberty scraps

Old Spools clothed in Liberty scraps

So nice to finally have these out on display instead of hidden away in a drawer!

Hope you've had a lovely weekend!

(No. 1 daughter comes home tomorrow!  Yippee!)

Jude xo


  1. Thank you for Cutesy's Eater bib. She hasn't quite mastered the smiling on demand but we'll try to train her up! Your spools are so pretty and will be lovely to look at on display.

  2. Easter, not eater, though that's fairly appropriate too!

  3. beautiful pattern .. and model xx well done .. I would hire her again if I were you xx lol x

  4. Cutsie is wondering what you're paying her.... lol! Great way to display the spools x

  5. Hello, Cutesy! Looking good! Love those spools, too - very clever way of putting them on display!

  6. your model is well named. Very cute, And your spools

  7. Aww, she looks so beautiful xx

  8. Gorgeous model and a beautiful way to display old spools x

  9. Gorgeous model and a beautiful way to display old spools x

  10. Isn't she beautiful? I love that second photo and think she's thinking 'the bib's on, Mam, when's the food coming?'!


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