
Monday 15 February 2016

Spring Greens!

It was a beautiful Spring day here in Belfast.

The perfect day to show you my Spring Greens quilt.

Spring Geese Quilt for Popular Patchwork Mar16

I've used different sized 'geese' in Sandi Henderson's 'Secret Garden' fabrics.

This was a lot of fun to make!

Spring Geese Quilt for Popular Patchwork Mar16

My mind starting thinking about our migratory Brent Geese (who occupy Strangford Lough during our winter months), which inspired me to quilt arcs across the geese. My thinking here was to give some 'movement' to the geese!  Do you think it works?

Spring Greens Quilt (back)
More Sandi Henderson in the back.
The quilt finishes up at 67" x 72" and if you fancy making your own version, you can find the pattern in the March edition of Popular Patchwork.

Spring Geese Quilt Popular Patchwork Mar16

Our Brent geese will fly away again in April!  So glad I've got my own resident geese, all year round!

Jude xo


  1. It definitely works! I love the spring feel that your quilt has! It's very pretty!

  2. the quilting is fab! the whole quilt is just lovely!!

  3. beautiful quilt, Judith. And such gorgeous weather. We're still deep into winter and we actually spent our morning sledding :)

  4. Such a lovely quilt! Feels like spring looking at it!

  5. Really beautiful! I totally agree with Sarah and the quilting is just perfect :)

  6. Looks lovely and very spring! Wish it would stop raining down here so the grass could dry out for a little bit!

  7. It's gorgeous and I love the quilting!

  8. Fab quilting! I love the freshness of this quilt. Congrats on its publication.


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