
Tuesday 2 February 2016

Feeling the Love!

February is the month of Luuuurrrrrvvvv! (so I'm told!)

So I submitted a few 'heart related' projects to magazines!

Drunken Hearts Quilt - Sewing World Feb16

This is my 'Drunken Hearts' quilt in British Patchwork & Quilting (Feb), so called because I used 'drunkards path' units to make the heart blocks. 

I have to say I 'fell in love' with this quilt as I was making it, and can't wait to get it back from the magazine. 

I used Art Gallery's 'Bijou' and 'Dreaming in French' for the hearts and Essex Yarn Dyed Linen in Black for the background.

My sweet Trudi did a beautiful job quilting this for me on her long arm machine (you can just about see the hearts quilting pattern).

Tune in again for another 'Luuuuurrrrrvvvvv' installment!

Jude xo


  1. oh I love this! and so clever using drunkards path blocks :)

  2. Fabulous! I absolutely adore the contrast between the grey backing and colourful hearts xx

  3. This is a beauty! Your background fabtic is perfect, looks so soft and warm. X

  4. Love everything about this quilt!


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