
Sunday 20 December 2015

Keeping Secrets!

The last of my Secret Santa presents was gifted last night.

EPP hexie journal cover

I keep my hands busy on free evenings with a little EPP, and before you know it, a nice wee panel has come together!

EPP hexie journal cover

I recently acquired some 12wt Aurifil and wanted to see how it compared to Coats Creative threads. While it's not quite as thick as Coats Creative, it sewed these hearts beautifully with a size 100 needle.

EPP hexie journal cover

I'm pleased to report that my notebook loving friend loved her present!  (for similar pattern see here).

EPP hexie journal cover

And I finally sourced a super bright daylight bulb for my sewing room which means I can still photograph projects when I'm working in the evenings.

EPP hexie journal cover
Photo taken at night under my daylight bulb!

It is also my 5 year blogiversary today!!  I've been blogging for 5 years, and while blogging in general seems to have taken a hit through IG & other mediums, I still really enjoy doing it and will continue for as long as I still do.

It has completely snuck up on me this year, so I'm not prepared with my customary giveaway, but don't worry, I will have a little something special for you all in the new year!  Thank you for continuing to read my creative ramblings!

Only 5 more sleeps!!  

Jude xo


  1. Replies
    1. And congratulations! Five years, thats so cool.

  2. Congrats on your 5 years! What an achievement! Like the sound of that lightbulb and love the notebook cover - so bright and cheerful!

  3. This is so adorable, Judith! I have to start to use my hexies for something else as I'm not inspired them at all now. I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! x Teje

  4. Yay, congrats on 5 years!!! So glad you still enjoy blogging, because I do enjoy reading :).

  5. Five years? Wow! Congratulations!

    P.S. Love the hexy cover!

  6. Really sweet cover. Congrats on your 5 years and all the best for a Happy Christmas.x

  7. Happy blogaversary. xx I do like the little hearts, very sweet and they really make th project extra special.

  8. it is no more sleeps now, as I catch up on blog reading. I love your journal cover. A girl can never have enough journals. And congratulations on your 5 yr blogversary. Wow.

  9. I love the journal cover. Do you have a pattern for this?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


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