
Sunday 22 November 2015

Key Fobs Tutorial

Keyfobs make for great wee gifts, for family and friends of all ages!

And they are super easy to make too!  Here's my tutorial on how to make them:

You will need:

8" piece of 1.25" wide webbing (or recycle a canvas/fabric belt)
1.25" metal keyfob and ring (available from here)
8" x 2" piece of fabric (or use 1" wide ribbon)
matching thread
fabric glue
small hammer
jewelry pliers


1. Press the long sides of the strip of fabric under (to wrong side) until you are happy with the finished width (a 2" wide strip will need pressed under 0.5" at each side). If using ribbon, no need to press under sides.

2. Place the strip of fabric right sides up on top of the webbing.

3. Stitch down both sides of the strip of fabric, close to the folded edges.  If you like, stitch a few more lines down through the centre of the fabric.

5. Bring the short ends together (with fabric facing out) and stitch across the top, through all layers. Place a little amount of glue along the top raw edges.

6. Place the key fob over the glued end of the webbing. You will want to cover the metal fob with fabric before hitting it closed with a hammer.

7. Finish clamping the fob with jewelry pliers, taking care not to mark the metal.

8. Finally, pop on the ring, and make lots more!

Key fobs

Happy Sewing!

Jude xo


  1. Super cute, Judith! I can't believe that you have flowery hammer?! Have a gret week! x Teje

  2. If you don't have jewelry pliers (like me) wrap strips of wadding around the ends of the pliers to protect the metal fob bits.

  3. Great idea for stocking fillers. x

  4. I'm sure I have some of these fobs, I'll have to dig them out and get cracking!


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