
Thursday 19 November 2015


Tis the season for snot and sniffles!!

So how about keeping those tissues at the ready in pretty fabric covers!

Tissue Box Covers in Issue 17 Quilt Now

I like to keep a box in several rooms, in fabrics to match the decor. But wouldn't they also make sweet gifts too?

You can get the pattern for these in the December issue of Quilt Now, (however the cutting instructions for top and sides are the same for all layers (outer and lining fabrics, wadding and vilene) and not as listed).

QAYG Tissue box cover

These are great fun to make and I'm sure will be much needed this winter!

Happy Sewing!

Jude xo


  1. oh, these are super fun. Great job!!

  2. Hi Judith! These are beautiful! I like especially the first photo. Should have done these long time, hope you inspired me to sew these finally. I hope you don't need them for aaaachoooo but to clean your sugary fingers after eating Christmas coocies. x Teje

  3. Love this, especially the sketch stitching. Bit of the sniffles myself at the moment so something like this would be very cheery!

  4. I love the cheery log cabin one! Great idea!


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