
Sunday, 16 August 2015

Out on the Line!

Today's good weather was an opportunity to photograph Bee Blessed's growing pile of baby and children's quilts!

Bee Blessed children's quilts Aug15

We still have a few left to finish off before donating this batch to our local Mum's and Babies HIV unit in September.

Bee Blessed children's quilts Aug15

A huge thank you goes to Hilary, a friend of Bee Blessed, who wanted to practise on her new quilting frame - we were more than happy to oblige her our quilts!!  I don't think we would have been ready for a September handover without her brilliant quilting and binding skills on many of these quilts!

Thank you #hilsbelfast!

Bee Blessed children's quilts Aug15

And a big 'thank you' to you too if you contributed in any way to these quilts!  Going by the feedback we received from the last batch we gave to the Mums and Babies unit, these quilts will be gratefully received and provide much comfort and blessing to families in extreme need.

With 2 more quilts in my washing machine, and a few more to gather in from the troops, we will have in the region of 16-18 quilts to handover! More pictures will follow!

Jude xo


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