
Monday 10 August 2015

Crochet Top Complete!

Last December I started my annual Christmas crochet project, and this week I finished it!!

Crochet top complete!

In my defense I had almost finished it in June, with just a small section left to sew together! But for some unknown reason, it got parked and forgotten!

Crochet top complete!

Perhaps I needed a diversion from work sewing;  perhaps I needed something appropriately 'autumnal' to wear at the moment!  Whatever inspired me to get it finished, it worked!

Crochet top complete!

This is my first ever crocheted garment (100% cotton), and I'm mightily pleased it fits and is wearable!

Crochet top complete!

And I was glad of it today - don't be fooled by the sunshine in these pictures!  We had the usual dose of heavy rain showers and plummeting temperatures!

Jude xo


  1. That is beautiful Judith and looks so well on you too. I keep getting these great shots drenched in sunshine in between the showers and I said today that I hope I don't look back in ten years and say it was a great summer!

  2. You look lovely in that great sweater. I wish I could send you some of our heat.

  3. Hi Judith! Your new crochet blouse looks beautiful! Lovely pattern and the blue colour suits you so well! I hope you have still lots of warm sunny days! x Teje

  4. well done ... and now you are ready for whatever the weather .. and making another crochet project xx I think your brain and your hands need a diversion and time to go..ahhhhhhh!

  5. Every time I see something crocheted I think that I really must learn how to do it. I have even bought a book or two but somehow don't get the hang of it at all. I blame the fact the fact that I am left handed. x


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