
Friday 31 July 2015

Denim Hexie Bag!

In my series of denim bags I've been making this summer, here is bag no.2!

Repurposed denim (hexie) bag

Back in June, when my daughter was in hospital for a day, I had brought some epp hexies and denim scraps. I had 5 hours of sewing to fill, so needless to say, I got a lot of them basted and sewn together that day.

I unearthed them again recently, during my 'denim dalliance', and incorporated them into this patchworked bag!

Repurposed denim (hexie) bag
The back
Special features include a zippered pocket in the (bright) lining, and repurposed tabs and leather from the chopped up jeans used in the bag!

Denim Hexie Bag
I used a leather needle for the 'organic' tab

I also inserted some curtain eyelets (super easy) just to try out something different with the handles.

Denim Hexie bag

The bag is simply ditch quilted, and the fold up bottom meant no fiddly box corners or angled sides to contend with! As with all of these denim bags, I have reinforced the bases with handbag mesh plastic.

I love this bag, especially the many different shades of denim used (& I just stuck with blues!). They aren't as difficult to EPP as you might think, especially as most of the denim has been softened up through lots of wear!  Just use a bigger needle and seam allowance & glossy magazine papers.

Denim projects

So next time you rip or wear out your jeans, think 'handbags'!

Jude xo


  1. I love it! It's beautiful! I love the lining & how you repurposed the tabs & leather from the jeans! Very nice!

  2. I just packed up many pairs of ripped jeans to move because I plan to do something with them. Bags might be one good plan.

  3. Beautiful, like the idea of the curtain eyelets! Will try that one time!

  4. Love it! I definitely need to get back into my denim scraps!

  5. Wow, this is stunning - you clever duck!

  6. I like it! What a great way to use denim scraps and I like the red button that adds a bit of zing :-)

  7. Wear out jeans? I didn't know it was possible! I am wearing cast off jeans from daughter... And I have been wearing them for about 10 years... How do you wear out jeans?

  8. PS I love that patchworked bag!

  9. Wow, Judith! I'm so impressed! You have super ideas for bags! I love this and want one! Fortunately I have saved old jeans as I love demin. Have a lovely weekend! x Teje

  10. This is brilliant, I use old denim in so many projects but had never thought about EPP (possibly because until last month it was never my thing) I have so many scraps of denim that I struggle to throw away, this could be the answer!

  11. Great looking bag, but Where are the directions? I clicked everywhere, but cannot find them.


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