
Saturday 2 May 2015

Strawberry Patch!

I'm still patiently waiting for my 'Farm Girl Vintage' book to arrive so I can start making the delicious blocks in Lori's sew-a-long!

In the meantime I've had to make do with making up my own version of Lori's strawberry!

Strawberry Placemat for Trudi

A very good friend of mine always has the most scrummy looking breakfast trays on Sunday mornings on Instagram!

So I made her a non-slip tray mat!  Trudi also grows her own fruit and veg and makes her own jam too (what a gal!) so the strawberry tray mat seemed an appropriate 'special' birthday present.

Strawberry Placemat for Trudi

It was lovely being able to hand deliver this to Troods while she was staying with me last weekend.

Have a great weekend everyone!

(polka dot bias binding available from The Textile Studio)

Jude xo


  1. Hi Judith! Oh what a sweet strawberry! Would be beautiful on the wall and surely makes your friend's day when watching this at the breakfast! x Teje

  2. I made a mini strawb too for Di! Yours is so delicious !

  3. So adorable! I love the strawberry and cherry blocks from lori's new book (and most of the rest too). The sew a long should be fun. Hope your book arrives soon.

  4. Gorgeous!! Such a cute and thoughtful gift!

  5. I love it! Thank you so much xx

  6. this is so adorable and i love that its circular! lucky trudi :)

  7. I saw this on Trudi's IG this am. It's perfect! Just the thing to go with those tempting breakfasts of hers!

  8. i love this! so clever AND cute!

  9. I've got to make this block... I'm so enjoying the book and wish there were more hours in the day to play! Looks fab!

  10. I really need to try this, I am a great lover of the strawberry motif and this is so happy and bright. This really is a great gift, I am sure it will be much loved and admired too x


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