
Friday 20 February 2015

Spot the Difference!

Selvedge Star Blocks for Terri/Brit Bee

In Brit Bee we are working on one of our most important WIPS.  This is an 'angel' project and my small contribution was to make 2 selvedge star blocks.

Selvedge Star Blocks

This delicious bundle of selvedges arrived from across the water, and I set to it.

Selvedge Star Blocks

I've never worked with selvedges before, so I sewed them onto some backing fabric, into a panel that I could then chop up to make selvedge half square triangles.

Selvedge Star Blocks


I've also signed up to the Siblings Together Bee 2, who were in need of extra 'bees' to help make blocks for the annual ST quilts drive (you can read lots more about this brilliant cause here).

Hst blocks for STB2

These 'blue/red & low volume hst' blocks are 15.5" and will be making their way to Sue very soon.

It's been absolute therapy having some sewing time today!  The ongoing saga of the 'hormonal boiler' only got sorted today, and I also had to say goodbye (again) to my lovely uni daughter who I just love having around the house.

But the sun has been shining and I actually get a lie-in tomorrow! Yippee!

Hope you've had a great week!

Jude xo


  1. oooh, those selvage blocks are so pretty. That red background set all the selvages off so beautifully. Love the HSTs too. How wonderful of you to do all this sewing for such great causes.

  2. Gorgeous blocks!!

    P.S. 'Hormonal boiler'?! That's no way to talk about yourself *winks*

  3. Do your selvages have been left with the one egde row?

  4. Those selvedge blocks are superb. Delighted to hear you've joined the ST bee, they've been suffering with vacancies.

  5. Oh Jude, the selvedge blocks are beautiful and perfect xxx

  6. a good idea to stabilise the selvedges before cutting, and it makes a great star. A really good idea for a good friend.

  7. Yay! Thanks for joining us, your blocks look brilliant. I'm finally up to date after being so far behind one member actually thought that I'd left the group! Hopefully, together, we'll be able to make a considerable contribution to the final tally of quilts

  8. Brilliant selvedges stars! And I love the fabric mixes of your ST blocks. That is a lot of HSTs!!

  9. What a good idea to use selvedges. It's the first time I see this. The blocks turned out beautiful!

  10. Those Brit Bee selvage stars are just perfect. The HST blocks for ST are great. Di x

  11. Wowza. Your star blocks are absolute stunners!

  12. Excellent stars, you're a star for doing them too!


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