
Thursday 5 February 2015

Getting Cosy!

I've been all about getting cosy these past 24 hours, because I've had no heating or hot water while my boiler was being repaired.

All sorted now thankfully!

Porridge, therefore, was most definitely on the menu for breakfast.  I use this microwave bowl cosy when I cook my porridge.

Microwave bowl cosy

But after making a complete over-cooked and sticky mess this morning, I thought it was time I made a few more!

Microwave bowl cosies

Again, I used this excellent tutorial, making another 10" cosy and a smaller 8" cosy.

Microwave bowl cosies

These are the perfect size for using up leftover Layer Cake squares.  And because all the materials are 100% cotton (essential for heating in the microwave) they are completely machine washable!

Microwave bowl cosies

So now I can make all the mess I want!!

I also got the next round of Brit Bee borders made - flying geese for Hadley's medallion quilt!

Brit Bee Medallion Feb'15

Only a few more rounds to go and we will reach the end of this epic & secretive quilt top marathon!  I can't wait to see how everyone's turns out!

Hoping you are all keeping warm and cosy!

Jude xo


  1. Those sound so clever! Hope you are warm and cozy yourself asap! x

  2. I have woken up to the joy of being warm again this morning - great isn't it!
    Love those cosies.
    So excited to my geese!!! Thank you xxxx

  3. Glad to hear the boiler is fixed, typical timing to have it happen in January! I love the strong black and white theme for the flying geese, very effective x

  4. I've not seen those cosies before - they are great!

  5. Love your bowl cozies, Jude! Poor you to have your boiler on the blink at this time of the year. I hope your weekend is warmer. :)

  6. Glad your heat is sorted now! Great cosies!

  7. What a great idea! Glad the boiler is up and running again - don't forget to pay it a compliment every day to keep it sweet...

  8. I have no microwave, but glad to hear you can be warmed by other means again now!


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