
Saturday 3 January 2015

Saturday Sewing!

Lots of sewing happened today!

In between the laundry loads & the feeding of the teenagers, it was a productive sewing day!

I got started on some work sewing, a shop sample rail fence cot quilt:

Jelly roll rail fence shop sample

Then we had our first Bee Blessed of the year! We even had a few finishes to show off!

Bee Blessed Log Cabin Corners quilt
Log Cabin Corners Quilt
Bee Blessed Bow Tie Quilt
Bow Ties Quilt
Bee Blessed double 4 patch quilt
Double 4 Patch Quilt
Thank you to everyone for contributing blocks to these gorgeous quilts.  They will soon be sent off to bless and comfort those in need.

I finished the day by whipping up some Tilda PJ bottoms for eldest daughter this evening, who picked out the fabrics herself!

PJ bottoms in Tilda

A productive day I'd say!

Hope you had a great Saturday!

Jude xo


  1. Really lively ( lovely too..but I mean lively) and you got the laundry done and made food; that's impressive!

  2. Nice to see some of the bee quilts coming to a finish. I think I'd like to use my own scraps to make one of those quarter log cabins "one day". Tilda is an opulent, excellent choice for pjs!

  3. Everything is so beautiful, Jude!

  4. Ohhhh love those PJ's.... my youngest daughter always has trouble finding bottoms with long enough (something to do with her 36" inside leg!!) and she's rather partial to Tilda fabric too... so you've iven me a great idea!

  5. You look just thrilled in that photo ;o) Glad you had a great day anyway!

  6. What a day! Love pink with orange - you're onto a winner! That bow tie quilt stops me in my tracks. Absolutely gorgeous. Cutest PJ bottoms ever, my dear!

  7. A lovely collection of quilts Jude - really like the log cabin corners :-)

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