
Wednesday 7 January 2015

My First Tunic!

Tunics are my all time favourite item of clothing (part from my pjs of course!) and my Pinterest Dressmaking board is choc-a-block full of them!  I've been itching to make one for myself for ever!

I'm a novice dressmaker, having only attempted simple separates up til now. So I chose the New Look 6068 Easy pattern to cut my teeth on my first dress.

My First Tunic (New Look 6068)

And here it is on me (I even wore it out in public today!)
My First Tunic (New Look 6068)
I used some soft cotton chambray type shirting for the main dress, which I felt complimented the pop of the collar and my own patch pockets made from vintage sheets.  And I couldn't resist a crochet trim round the bottom hem!

My First Tunic (New Look 6068)

Now this is by no means perfect.  I know that the rim at the top of the collar shouldn't be seen (I couldn't fathom the pattern on that part!) and I had to take in the sleeves and skirt sections as there was just too much fabric!!

Also, to make it a bit more shapely, and to accommodate my short waist, I added some elasticated 'cinchers' at the sides, just below the bust darts. I'm really chuffed that my wee invention worked out well, and I no longer looked like I was wearing a sack!!

My First Tunic (New Look 6068)

So what would I do differently next time?

Put the collar in right!
Move the patch pockets further apart, and maybe make them bigger.
Try a summer version with short sleeves.

While some of the steps were head scratching, I really enjoyed making this tunic dress and definitely see more of them in my future.

I''ll leave you with a few pics of the real diva in our house!

My First Tunic (New Look 6068)

Jude xo


  1. Hi Judith! This is Super! I love the details with pockets, collar and lace and the Fabrics are lovely! Beautiful and suits you so well! Great photos! x Teje

  2. Looks great and it's so nice for you to be making your own clothes and styling them with such personal touches. I hope you get time for lots more clothing experiments.

  3. I've loved watching this progress on IG and you look gorgeous in it. I'm impressed as I still shy away from clothes making. I am thinking of trying to find a course rather than winging it as I really do not know enough at all.

  4. Agree with other comment, the lace edging at the bottom is a lovely touch! Well done

  5. Lovely tunic, Jude. I like the idea of the 'rim' showing on the collar ... it looks like piping - looks good in the photo and I'd suggest you do that again ... after all, sewing is about being creative and making it our own, which you've done with the pockets, lace, elastic, and the collar. Well done, you!

  6. Wow - this is great, well done you. It looks fab. Making an item of clothing remains on my 'to do' list! x

  7. You must be a natural if you are adding in your own tweaks with such success - and I love your tights!

  8. It's beautiful! Love the vintage sheet extras, so cute! Fab job! xx

  9. your tunic is beautiful Judith. Love all the gorgeous little details you added, just perfect!

  10. Clever you. It looks great on. Love the side cinching. Look forward to seeing the summer one.

  11. It's superb, so lovely to see all your own touches too. Good luck with the collar on the next one, sometimes instructions are unfathomable!

  12. It turned out so lovely! Beautiful :)

  13. You have do e a fab job. I like your tweaks and those pockets! Di c

  14. It's so pretty! I love the side cinchers - ingenious.

  15. Congrats, it looks great on you :o)

  16. Adorable! You have a gorgeous figure and it really suits you, I love the cinchers x

  17. Eee! That looks super on you! Loving it with tights and boots - and the trim is just adorable. You must be so proud of yourself!

  18. You ( and The Diva) look fabulous! I'm just not brave enough to tackle "3-D" things......I'm only comfortable around flat things! A huge "well done" to you. xx

  19. I love wearing tunics but really don't enjoy making clothes as mine would just look homemade rather than stunningly original. I love what you did with this design, tunics are one of my favourite things to wear and great for hiding extra Christmas pounds. x

  20. Looks great - love the boots and I'm filing that elastic at the side idea away for tops I have that don't fit well!

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