
Wednesday 17 December 2014

No Animals Were Harmed .....

.... in the making of this hot water bottle cover!

Hot water bottle cover

This is for my nephew ........ to match his bedroom!  What can I say, he's a guy with style!

And in keeping with the present theme, I got this mini Ipad cover made for youngest daughter's bestie....

Mini Ipad cover

... my final 2 in 1 pouch of the year (bringing the total to 6!)......

2 in 1 Pouch

...and a tablet case!

Hudl Cover

Still a few more makes to go, but now that the retail shopping is all done (bar the food) I'm feeling a lot calmer than in my last post!!

Hope your week is going to plan!

Jude xo


  1. glad its all coming together! xxx

  2. I love all the fabrics you're using!

  3. Great makes, Judith! Love those pink and white birdcages!

  4. Super makes J, It will be a good Christmas this year! and I am sure you already have enough food in to do with very little food shopping needed!

  5. Ha, love the animal print hottie cover!


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