
Saturday 6 December 2014

Cot Quilt Finished!

I met Santa today!

In fact, Bee Blessed was meeting in his changing room, so we had to vacate for a time so he could change!!  Ho, ho, ho!

Here is a pic of the lovely sail boats we have received!

Bee Blessed Sail boats

A few more blocks to make and this will be a gorgeous quilt!

I also got a quilt of my own finished today.

Pinwheels and Prairies Cot Quilt

My daughter made the quilt top a while ago, to test the pattern I was teaching in class (available here). I finally got around to quilting it and got it bound and washed today.

Pinwheels and Prairies Cot Quilt

This will be for sale next week during my closing down sale in class!

And while we were at church today for Bee Blessed, we got to see the Christmas decorations going up.

There is an amazingly talented team of creative decorators at my church!  Can't wait to see what it looks like tomorrow!

Jude xo


  1. Sorry I missed yesterday. Love the sail boats!

  2. Love those sailboats! The quilt is beautiful, Jude. The wooden trees are quite beautiful!

  3. The sailboats are going to make a super quilt, and I love your quilt too. Good luck with your sale.

  4. Both the quilts are great and I hope Santa was able to change in peace and quiet. Good luck with the sale.

  5. The sail boats look great all together and I hope you didn't peek at Santa!

  6. Well how nice that you got to catch up with the big man, and love the finished quilt and furry model

  7. Love those boats! Teddy looks very pleased with his new did he take the news that you were selling it?!

  8. Those trees are brilliant! The quilt is lovely too.


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