
Saturday 20 December 2014

4 Years!

** This Giveaway is now closed!**

4 years ago today I started blogging!!

I can't believe where the time has gone, and I have loved creating every post, making new friends, and being inspired by the hugely creative and generous community that is the Quilting blogland!

I've noticed a big change in the Quilting blogging community recently, especially since the arrival of Instagram!

Perhaps not so much chatter here as there used to be, but as my blog was originally created for my own pleasure and creative record, I will continue on with my sewing babblings!

And so, to say 'thank you' for popping by here, whether as a regular reader or as a 'once in a while-r', I'm giving away all these goodies!

Blogiversary 4 Giveaway

8 Kona fat quarters and ...

Blogiversary 4 Giveaway

an Ipad cover, Snowman pincushion kit & tape measure ribbon.  These kits make the cutest pinny's!

Snowball pin cushion

To enter the giveaway, leave me a comment telling me what you would like to see more of on quilting blogs!

Blogiversary 4 Giveaway

The giveaway is open to international readers, and I will choose the winner on Boxing Day (26/12).

Remember, if you are a 'no reply comment blogger' then please leave your email address in your comment, or you will not be entered for the giveaway.  If you don't get a reply from me to your comment, then that means you are a 'no reply comment blogger' and I have no way of making contact with you.

Best of luck my quilty friends!

Jude xo


  1. What a lovely giveaway! I love that tape measure ribbon.
    I'm not sure what I would like to see more of; I enjoy all the positive influence and seeing everyone's projects. I really like your blog.

  2. Hi Judith! Happy anniversary! I love your works and it's always enjoy to read your blog! Thank you for sharing great ideas and lots of inspiration! I like blogs that have good photos as you have. Looking for the NEW year and NEW sewings. I wish you wonderful Christmas time! x Teje

  3. congrats on the 4 years of blogging, I have been following for a while now and so enjoy seeing all you create and what your ex students have done. Like above your ideas are inspiring, happy christmas to you and the girls. Personally I do not like instagram, struggle to upload on it so just occassionally look to see what people are up to good that you are keeping your blog

  4. I have noticed too that some blogs have disappeared since the arrival of Instagram. But I still prefer blogs to see what others have been making, with links to tutorials. I love to Pin things for later and on Instagram I find it's very much of the moment. I've been taking screen shots of IG but these seem to get lost. So please keep blogging I enjoy reading it.

  5. Happy anniversary. What a nice giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. I've also shared your giveaway on my Giveaway List for sewers & quilters at Thanks again. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

  6. Happy 4th Blogiversary!! Fab giveaway that you're having, Jude! I like to see what is being made and definitely links. And I like reading about those little extra details that have been added to a project - and spurs new ideas.

  7. First happy 4 year anniversary!!!!!! I love fabric and can always use it but I think accessories such as quilting tools different cutting rulers ect would be great.

  8. Congrats on four years! I always love to see tips for new sewers (like me!).

  9. Happy anniversary! I would love more detailed tutorials!

  10. Happy #4!!! And Many MORE Blessings ahead!! Looove your blog...and love all you clue what I'd like to see more off! lol Tutorials, tips, cool tools & ideas are sooo Welcome...


  11. Happy four years!

    I'd like to see more discussions of what led people to particular choices - what inspired this quilt, who's that one for and why did you make it like that, what do these colours together mean to you, and so on.

  12. Happy 4th Judith, its been a pleasure getting to know you and comparing notes along the way. Reading some of the comments I have great hopes that Blogging will survive IG so keep on keeping on.xx

  13. Happy 4th Judith, its been a pleasure getting to know you and comparing notes along the way. Reading some of the comments I have great hopes that Blogging will survive IG so keep on keeping on.xx

  14. Congrats on 4 yrs of blogging....I would like to see more shortcuts that you use to make your block....

  15. Hi Jude! Congratulations on your anniversary! Prosperity of your blog! I like your blog, you have a very interesting ideas and excellent performance! And I want to take part in your candy)
    I would like to see you blog training lessons for quilting or sewing little tricks)
    I would be pleased if you look into my blog
    And Merry Christmas!

  16. Congratulations! I enjoy blogs with tutorials that help beginners like me with tips on the best way to do things.

  17. Happy blogaversary! And thanks for the fun way to celebrate! Your blog is delightful. I love ideas for fairly quick projects for gifts, like the snowman and your tea cozy. Merry Christmas!

  18. Happy Four Years Blogging! Glad you will continue to blog -- I like blogs better than instagram. I love tutorials for scraps and especially for kids. I love to see what others are making, too.

  19. Short cuts on how to make blocks or allot of pieces at once.

  20. Congrats on your anniversary, between blogs and Facebook I just don't have the time to even join Instagram. I prefere the personal touch to blogs...I have soooo many small scraps I would love to make a quilt with them so tutorials for that would be great!

  21. I would love to see more quick project tutorials!

  22. Many congrats. Well done 4yrs of blogging. Keep it up not into IG!!!!
    Please can we have more tutes on foundation piecing with lovely small projects.

  23. Congratulations to 4 years blogging. I still enjoy reading blogs. I love to see small projects to use the scraps left over from big projects, useful stuff you can give away or keep for yourself

  24. Happy 4 years, well I loved the Stocking tutorial, very well done. I like tutorials and good pictures.

  25. Happy anniversary! Nice stuff at the giveaway, too. I read quilting blogs for inspiration and new ideas for my own sewing. I´m into scrappy quilting lately. Seasonal greetings from snowy Finland by Mari (mamioja(at)

  26. Congratulations on the 4 year anniversary, and what a fab giveaway :o)

  27. Well done on 4 years! That is quite the accomplishment. I just like to see more posts, I like them all!! What line is the elefantfabric (from the ipadcover) from? It is really cute! Happy holidays

  28. I like to see more beginner quilting tutorials. I know I won't be a beginner forever, but for now I am. I am a new follower, it's nice to have found your blog. dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com

  29. Happy anniversary! I've thoroughly enjoyed following you over the years. I'd love to see more of the same! I think what Indianna says is true so the fact that some keep on blogging is great, snapshots on IG are great but detail on blogs is better!

  30. yay!!! Congrats on 4 years, how wonderful. I always enjoy new tutorials or some helpful and clever tips and tricks being shared on blogs.

  31. Happy anniversary! I personally enjoy blogs much more than instagram. Please don't change a thing!

  32. Congrats on the 4 years!
    I enjoy all sorts of blogs, and love tutorials.

  33. Congratulations - hope you are celebrating with cake! I like to the inspiration behind a project and how it has changed along the way to a finished item. I love reading about peoples design process and colour choices!

  34. many congrats sweetie, i'll still be readin! x i liketo see more progress pics than just finishes, but then i'd be guilty of that myself!

  35. Happy Anniversary! I love reading blogs, and I also really like Instagram. That little snowman sure is cute!


  36. I really enjoy tutorials with great photos. I enjoy learning new techniques and love a good challenge! Anything with beautiful fabrics is eye candy to me!

  37. I like reading about the thought process that goes on behind making a quilt.

  38. Hey Jude, Templates that I buy specifically for one pattern tend to just get used for that and never again.
    Like the 9 degree ruler. Perhaps multiple patterns or projects from one odd template (Hexagon for example) Happy #4, looking forward to your tutorials in 2015. Thank you for the Kona solids! Wow I'm planning my first ALL solids optical illusion quilt but no solids in my stash:)

  39. I like to see whatever projects you're working on, with lots of process posts & photos. Tutorials are also great though I know they're a lot of work for you. I also enjoy seeing photos of fabric purchases, stash & sewing areas. Merry Christmas & happy anniversary- keep up the good work!

  40. I would love the chance to win this.

  41. Congratulations, that's a lot of writing. I think the step by step of block making is helpful. Personally I am into borders or no borders and how they change the look of the quilt. There are so many styles and widths.

  42. I like debates and industry analysis posts.

  43. Congratulations on four years. I love seeing what people have made on their blogs - it gives me lots of inspiration.

  44. Congratulations on 4 years blogging! I love your blog, it's always inspiring to see your work.

  45. Congrats on your 4 years - that is quite a feat! I am a regular visitor to your blog, and shed a little tear when you announced you were giving up your classes (even thought I am no-where near you in NI!) Thanks for the giveaway

  46. I love seeing tutorials about projects that bloggers make themselves. Happy 4th anniversary!

  47. Happy blog birthday! I am always happy to see progress posts about what you are working on and posts of the things you have finished.

  48. Congratulations on 4 years blogging!
    I like to see a good mix of topics and lots of pictures!

  49. Congrats on four years. I would like to see more three dimensional quilts. Thanks for the giveaway.

  50. happy anniversary. love reading your blog. as a fairly to sewing am amazed at all your makes

    I love seeing tutorials as they inspire me to have a try


  51. happy blog anniversary. Your blog and Charm About You were the first blogs I came across, and I still enjoy reading them both. Gosh, what would I like to see more of ? I love little projects which are "something from nothing" both for myself and to gift. x

  52. 4 years .. where did that go Judith! Tutorials please - Happy Christmas, Love Sally P xx

  53. I just love small useful things so anymore of them is good!!!

  54. Such a generous giveaway! I love all the inspiring ideas on blogs, but I'm especially partial to those that link to or include a tutorial, as I'm not skilled enough to re-create most things without some direction.

  55. More beginner's tips!

  56. I really like all that I see on quilting blogs, though I do enjoy the stories behind all the wonderful creations.

  57. Love those colours. I love reading g the 'idiots guides on blogs. Have a fabulous Christmas x

  58. I love seeing the quilts that blogger make and the way they are quilted. Thanks

  59. Hai.. I really like your blog. Dont have anything to of instead more online clasess and tips

  60. Happy Anniversary!!! Gosh you share so much with us, I love the patterns, new techniques, applique and machine quilting tips would be great for me. Thanks for your giveaway!

  61. I do enjoy reading blogs but have noticed that some bloggers have fallen by the wayside ( says a NON- BLOGGER) and others are posting less frequently - possibly due to the ease of Instagram.
    I'm always looking for inspiration and do enjoy a good tutorial or pattern tweak.

  62. Merry Christmas :-) and happy anniversary too! Like some of the other commentators, I love tutorials or tips! I don't really have any crafty friends, so never really get them 'in real life'. Blogs are great for that purpose!
    Happy new year :-)

  63. Happy Blogiversary! I love to see lots of tutorials, with patterns. Sometimes people think because something is easy for them to draw, everyone can do it. That is so not true. While I am very good with quilt math, I am very bad with shapes.
    Have a merry Christmas!

  64. OK, I will try again:

    4.4.4! FOUR!
    I love tutorials.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. thanks for the chance to win love your blog ...

  67. I would like to see more actual quilting projects from newer quilters like myself:-).

  68. Happy bloggiversary (a little late!)


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it & I will always reply. (If you don't get a reply from me it is because you are a 'no reply comment' blogger. You might want to change your blog settings to make sure folks can reply to your comments more easily.) Jxo