
Friday 14 November 2014


After another stormy night of it, I taught my class this morning, and then picked up this crochet pattern:

Crochet pattern

I've been hooking from a young age, but the only top I've ever attempted got chopped up and recycled!

Once I get over the shock of how much wool costs these days, I will succumb and line up a wee Christmas/movie watching project.

This afternoon I started quilting the Tilda Hourglass Twist Quilt.

Tilda Hourglass Twist Quilt

You may remember seeing Karen's pattern in a recent issue of Love Patchwork and Quilting.  It's a great wee pattern, and in no time at all the units were up on my design board.

Tilda Hourglass Twist

But then I started to doubt that the fabrics I chose were going to work!  Now that I'm quilting it I'm happy to report that I'm falling in love with it again!

Tilda Hourglass Twist Quilt

Wanna see the special friends who keep me company while I sew?

My sewing buddies
Each one of these friends have special meaning to me!
I rounded off the day with some EPP Liberty hexies in front of a cosy fire, watching Children in Need on the telly!

Liberty EPP Hexies

I hope your day has been full of aspirations too!

Jude xo


  1. Gorgeous buddies that are sewing with you. I love to sit in the evening and knit as I am a noob in crochet. It is sad that wool is that expensive but hope you find some that suits you in price and material.

  2. Hi Judith! I love your quilt with the soft colours! You have a lovely place to sew; I would love to watch the road, which looks quiet enough, while sewing. Lovely pattern to crochet. Good yarn is really expencive (as the Fabrics, too). Cute little buddies on your lamp. x Teje

  3. These are beautiful pictures! I love the hexies especially.

  4. I always see crochet patterns for tops online and think of you for some reason, probably because the shape and style would suit you so well. Hope you find wool that doesn't break the bank so you can get hooking soon.

  5. Stupid iPad froze the second half of my comment. Wanted to say how much I love your hexies. I hadn't realised the scale of them in previous pics but they look like a brilliant size to work with and make up reasonably quickly. That is such a cosy picture!

  6. Oh, polka dots and stripes and all so subtle...very nice and that flower patch is fun too. The first patches i ever made were grandma flower gardens by hand when I was about 7 years old.

  7. I started knitting again and am horrified by the cost. Big risk as what I knit may well turn out to be horrible anyway! Love to epp though infront of the fire and lunchtimes in work

  8. Love all you've been working on lately, I'm predicting your November finishes mosaic is going to be bigger than the October one!

  9. Those hexes are really coming along! I've some wool to pass on to you... Lovely soft Debbie Bliss wool. I got it ages ago thinking I'd become a real knitter/crocheted, but it's just not my thing. I'll dig it out, and you can see if it might suit for some present or future project.

    1. By which I mean, of course, 'hexies' and 'crocheter' ...

  10. Just love your sewing location with the view out the window...great light and built in entertainment!!

  11. Gorgeous EPP work, I love the way you are putting it together. How big will it be in the end?


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