
Thursday 2 October 2014

September Smalls!

I didn't get linking up yesterday with Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day.  So I'll show you my mosaic of makes for September today instead!

Sept '14 roundup

Lots of smalls!  And there will be lots more smalls to come in October too!

I also got a couple of wee gifts made today!


QAYG Zippy pouch

I'm pleased I got anything done today, with poorly child still at home and the inevitable visits to the doctors and pharmacy!

I think she's finally on the mend now, which means I've got today to get packed and organised for the Brit Bee Retreat starting tomorrow!

Jude xo


  1. oooh, that's a lot lovelies. well done indeed. Hope your little one is better soon.

  2. Lots of pretty little things there! Hope there is a health improvement very soon. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

  3. you know what they say small is beautiful and you have a lovely collection of smalls here. Have a lovely time at the retreat

  4. Lovely smalls! Have fun at the retreat :)

  5. Aren't your smalls gorgeous?! Glad the poorly one is starting to feel better!

  6. You're a busy lady - your smalls are beautiful!

  7. There was me about to congratulate you on your lovely smalls but I see everyone else has thought of it already. Enjoy your retreat.x

  8. Wow, you had a great month! Love that zipper pouch. Have fun at the retreat! Hope your daughter is feeling better!

  9. I love seeing everything all together like this, smalls are good as they are instant fun and success. I made my first key ring last month and as they are so quick will making some as gifts too. Enjoy your retreat. x


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