
Friday 24 October 2014

I Won! I Won!

I am unashamedly delighted to tell you that I am one of 3 winners of the Dilly-bag-a-long, hosted by Gnome Angel.

Dilly Bag-a-long

Thank you so much everyone for voting for me!  You are the best!

And my winnings?

I've been eyeing this book for a while and have it on my Christmas list!  How exciting that Santa will be coming early!!

And a big thank you to Angie for hosting and organising this lovely blog hop!

Wishing you all a fruitful day!

Jude xo


  1. Llongyfarchiadau! A well deserved win. Now, if you change your mind about the book,would you like my address?

  2. well done x it is sooooo much fun to be a winner x

  3. yay - congratulations! It's a gorgeous bag x

  4. Congratulations, Jude! You're going to have fun with that book. ^^

  5. Congratulation, it's a lovely bag ant that book is fabulous too.

  6. Congratulations Judith! Your bag was fabulous!! What a beautiful book! Enjoy!! Xxx

  7. I was so happy when I saw you'd won on IG. So well deserved.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. a well deserved win congratulations, sorry too many spelling mistakes on previous post so deleted it!!

  10. Huge, well deserved congratulations! I've got that book, and you'll love it! I haven't actually made anything from it's one of those that you spend all your time with "oooo....I like that, I'll make that one...oooo...that one's lovely"! Oh if only Indecision and Procrastination were Olympic Sports....I'd have world domination!! xx

  11. Awesome! Delighted for you!

  12. Well deserved win! Thanks so much for being a part of it - I need to thank Marie for putting me in touch with you. Can't wait to see what you make from Sarah and Amy's fabulous book! :)

  13. Congrats!!!! I am sure you will have fun with your prize. x


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