
Saturday 2 August 2014

Take it Easy!

Today I can show you one of the secret projects I was working on this week!

Applique picture gift

A good friend had a '0' birthday last weekend and tonight we ate, laughed and drank pink champagne to celebrate!

As a 'stitchy lady' herself, she loved her picture and the other handmade goodies and pressies she received.

Applique picture gift

The text is part of a verse from the Bible: "Be still and know that I am God."

And earlier today was my table runner workshop.  I will have some pics for you next week on the lovelies that were made so watch this space.

Jude xo


  1. very sweet! your fm writing is perfect!

  2. a wonderful Bible quote that comes to mind a lot for me and is a great help in times of troubles

  3. This is beautiful and my favourite bible quote too. I am sure it made her '0' birthday a little better. I have one next year and I can already cry at the thought of it. x

  4. 0 birthdays everywhere, I was drinking the champagne yesterday to celebrate a friend's birthday.

  5. Lovely birthday present. 0 birthdays are to be embraced! Di x

  6. how wonderful to celebrate a BIG birthday xx

  7. Playing catchup again, lovely pressies, and rather jealous of those courgette flowers, they're lovely stuffed...

  8. This gift was so beautiful in real life. I'm sure she will treasure it!

  9. I checked your blog whilst I was away and loved this gorgeous present ~ I then had the hymn based on this quote rushing around my head all day!


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