
Monday 25 August 2014

Oval Pouch!

It was a bank holiday here today!  And what a freezing cold wash out it was! 

I hope you had better weather where you were today!

Anyway, a good day for sewing. I wanted to make my friend a little something, and have had pinned for ages Aneela's oval pouch tutorial.  Here is my version.

Oval zippy pouch

It's not perfect, especially as I made a few changes along the way (patchworking the outside and including sew in Vilene & wadding). 

Oval zippy pouch

Because it is so small (which makes it uber cute!) it's a really fiddly project.  But it's the perfect size for filling with crafty goodies!

Tomorrow is back to school stationary shopping, in readiness for the inevitable return on Friday yippee!

Have a great week!

Jude xo


  1. This is a very sweet shape and size. Hope your friend loves it.

  2. what a pretty and useful pouch. I am sure it will be well used and loved too

  3. ooh, I love this! My daughter starts her college course today, hurraahh :)

  4. two lovely gifts made by you this week, and both gorgeous. That is a lovely work basket

  5. it looks great x usual vile August Bank Holiday weather here too xx ONLY place to be is inside .. sewing xx lol x

  6. Wow Judith, this is fantastic and I need one! I know exactly what Fabrics to use, thanks for them! x Teje

  7. Our bank holiday Monday was rubbish too but I did get a cross stitch picture finished as a present. Such a cute bag, this will make an adorable present. We did the stationary shop this morning too.x

  8. Super cute! Love that linen on the top!

  9. Very cute :o) We had sun, but no idea how cold it was out as I never ventured out all weekend! Was very windy though...

  10. It's lovely Jude, I've had it pinned for ages too just need the right frame of mind to tackle it! It's been cold and wet here, but we're off on holiday on Monday and I don't care what the weather is like!

  11. So cute, I really want to make one, is it very scary/fiddly!!??!?

  12. Oh it's so very cute, looks very professional. Thanks for the link.


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