
Friday 25 July 2014

From Down Under!

It was the hottest day of the year so far here!  And the hot temperatures were a welcome home coming for the lovely visitor I had to class this morning!


Marie started following my blog 2 years ago, and while she lives in Oz most of the year, we had the privilege of meeting for the first time a year ago.  She creates the most beautiful quilts, which you can see here on her blog.

It was so lovely getting Aussie hugs from Marie again (even though she's a fellow Irish woman!), and just look at the goodies she brought!

Goodies from Marie!

This is such a beautiful Jen Kingwell pattern that I definitely want to have a go at! And I already have a wee project in mind for those gorgeous fabrics.

Thank you Marie for taking precious time out to come see me.  2 summer meet ups means we've definitely established an annual tradition, right?!

Jude xo


  1. wow, lovely for you to meet up again with her, doesn't seem a year since I last read about your meet up

  2. how special that you got to meet Marie - I follow her on Instagram and love the things she makes :-)

  3. Lovely to have a friend arrive! Have a great time together!

  4. so good to meet blogging friens, i will be meeting up with Queenie who comes to the FOQs from Japan, we met last year and she is coming again this year. Now going to check out your friends blog. Very nice gifts she brought you too

  5. Lovely way of connecting! I just pinned this gypsy wife quilt from Jen Kingwell on my FB page from my Pinterest board yesterday!! I love it! The fabrics also look great!

  6. How fun to meet up again, it must be your turn to visit her!

  7. isn't it wonderful to get to meet the person you have been "talking" too xx lovely gift xx

  8. Ooh saw the original Jude at FQR so yes do make the gypsy wife!

  9. Just catching up on the last week - love the new class samples, how nice to get a visitor, and I'm not showing my dad that photo from the beach at Holywood or I'll end up with a trip down amnesia lane... ;o)

  10. Lovely meeting with friends; as Nicky said, seeing the original GW was amazing, definitely on my to do list!

  11. Looks like you both had fun!!

    P.S. For a moment I thought Nicky was telling you she'd seen the original you!

  12. Yes, you have to come to Australia to visit Marie! We would love to have you. How hot was your hottest day? 30C or hotter even than that?

  13. Aw Judith it was so gorgeous to see you! I certainly don't mind if this is an annual tradition!!! You in Oz or me there!!! Marie xxx


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