
Sunday 20 July 2014

Fabric Buckets!

In August I will be showing people how to make fabric buckets.

You know how much I love to recycle fabrics, so I chopped up some denim to make these 'child friendly' stacking buckets.

Fabric Buckets for Kids workshop

Children who know how to use a sewing machine are welcome to the workshop!

Fabric Buckets for Kids workshop

And for the adults, something a little more detailed.

Piped Storage buckets 006

These are piped, rounded buckets, with some pretty applique on the fronts.  A little bit of fun for all your stuff and nonsense!!

Piped Storage buckets 008

Piped Storage buckets 015

These are great for bathrooms, bedrooms and even keeping sewing spaces organised!

There are still spaces available, so if you fancy having a go at some piping and applique, get in touch!

Fabric Buckets Workshop - Saturday 16th August, 10am - 4pm

Fabric Bucket

And yesterday was my Picnic Carry Cushions workshop!  No pics sorry!  But everyone seemed to enjoy making their own bias binding and cushion covers. 

Patio/Picnic Cushions

If you want to have a go at making your own patio/picnic cushions, you can find the pattern here in my Etsy shop!

Jude xo


  1. Your buckets are lovely...and those stuff and nonsense ones are my the fabric you used on the inside...I am sure your class will be a great success with these...

  2. Hi Judith! These are Super! Can't wait to make some with the beautiful Fabrics I got from you! x Teje

  3. Great buckets, J. Lovely bright colours!

  4. Stuff and nonsense are such fun labels, these would be great presents for so many people. x

  5. What gorgeous buckets, I love, love, love the applique and free-motioned labels!


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