
Wednesday 28 May 2014

The New Workroom!

Well a few of you have been itching to see pics of my new sewing room (my old bedroom)! 

I'm almost embarrassed to show you these pics, in case you think I'm bragging!  I'm not, but completely and utterly aware of how fortunate I am to have the available space to facilitate this size of workspace.

I've tried to take pictures working from left to right, from the door as you come in, clockwise around the room!

My Sewing Room

I spend at least 20 hours per week in here (often more!) supporting the 10-15 hours per week I spend teaching my classes. I'm loving my new 'office' space where I can sit at a proper desk and write patterns, answer emails, take registrations for classes etc. without having to balance the laptop on my knee!

My Sewing Room

The light from the huge bay window is brilliant to sew at!  Though I'm now looking directly into the front street and getting some strange looks back!

My Sewing Room

I keep my deco weight, linen, wadding offcuts and dressmaking stuff in these boxes.  I also have a box of ufo's (less said the better!) and the smaller boxes on the top shelf are projects currently being developed for future classes.

My Sewing Room

What's a little weird is that I have slightly less storage space for smaller items, but my ample window sills have come in handy!  I even have a place to hang my WIP quilts!

But my most favourist (?!) of all the items in the room is my new cutting table!


My dad converted my old work table into this huge cutting table, complete with castors so I can move it to one side, room to store & access my bulky bolts of fabric and tonnes of space on top for several large cutting mats!  I've still to stick down a couple of measuring tapes to the top edges to make it quick and easy to measure yardage. 

You know, it really doesn't matter how much space I get, I still manage to fill it!  This new spacious workroom means I'm no longer cramped and falling over stuff and there's room for Shannon and I to work side by side!

It's as a result of very unpleasant circumstances that this change of room use has been possible.  But I'm a great believer that good things can come out of bad situations.

A huge thank you to my 3 long suffering kids for helping me push and pull the furniture around, and to my dad for being so creative and handy with his hands!

Jude xo


  1. Very impressive space. Can see why you love the cutting table so much. Should've much easier on your back! Enjoy and be creative!

  2. Love your space .The window is great.

  3. Oh wonderful! Funny I just did the same thing-I moved into a new room in the house (bedroom to husbands office) and am facing the street too haha!!! I love the work table. And I'm amazed you can keep all the different types of sewing straight-

  4. what a wonderful space for you boht to work in and all that light flooding in, trust you keep it all neat and tidy, you will be able to go straight to what you want and as for the table you Dad has done a great job, the casters are the icing on the cake as you are able to move it so easily

  5. love this space, J. Also envious of your 'tidy gene'!

  6. Hi Judith! You have fixed the room perfect! I'm so happy for you to have lot of space to work and organize your things. Hope it was result of something else but ... can't change that. I'm sure you'll be very creative in the NEW space and have fun sewing with your daughter. The cutting table is Super! Hugs! x Teje

  7. Lovely sewing space and the table is just wonderful! Enjoy "working" in this beautiful environment with lovely company

  8. Wow!! You are one very lucky lady, enjoy it. x

  9. The room looks fab! You totally deserve such a perfect workspace! Xx

  10. So completely deserved Jude - I love your new space!! The table is just the kind of thing I dad would have done so you clearly have a lovely dad. Enjoy your space...jealous? Moi? You bet!

  11. Such a lovely light workroom Jude. The perfect space for you and Shannon to be creative together. Enjoy it all, you thoroughly deserve it. Thinking of you.Xxx

  12. What a brilliant space, so wonderful for you to have a great area to work in, can't quite believe how you fitted in to the old one! Looking forward to seeing what createve genius ideas come out of this room (no pressure!)

  13. What a great light and airy space. I do hope you're not sleeping in a tent in the garden now though ;-)

  14. brilliant space xx Im sure you will make the most of it xx

  15. well done. Great space that you deserve x

  16. Fabulous use of space Judith! And that cutting table, wow! Jealous? Most definitely! You deserve every bit if it x

  17. Wow wow wow, you have really transformed that room, beautiful light from the bay window to sew in x

  18. well done you. ~a great work space for Shannon and yourself. Do you lend your dad out?

  19. HOLY COW! Oh, Judith! I'm just so happy for you taking an opportunity and running with it. This is an amazing space to stitch.

  20. Thats a very nice place you made. Enjoy!

  21. Swapping rooms was such a good idea and you've arranged the space wonderfully - enjoy your new workroom xx

    P.S. That cutting table is a work of genius! Well done, Jude's dad!

  22. Loving the new space! I'm thinking leaving the mannequins by the window is really going to freak the neighbours out in the dark, behind the curtains when the lights are on... :oD

  23. It's a wonderful space and so full of beautiful light. I love that table, you dad is brilliant.

  24. It looks wonderful! I loved the cutting table the minute I saw the photos, but then I read the accompanying post and found out it had wheels - Pure genius! I am also, as always, impressed with your positivity and I know you will be happy in there! Lots of love, Josie

  25. You forgot to mention the fact that you can people watch while sewing! That's always fun haha :)

  26. I'm green, GREEN with envy. With purple spots. But also so delighted for you......I ABSOLUTELY believe you deserve it. Stunning. xx

  27. WOW! A dream space. I'm lucky enough to have a room but have fun planning my dream (bigger!) room for the future! Love the bay window x

  28. Wheels! Wow - that is exactly what I need. Love the new space Judith, health to sew ;)

  29. Great space! And great use of space. I know they are horrible circumstances you've come into having more space, but I think you've made a great positive out of it.


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