
Sunday 11 May 2014

Quite the Weekend!

Well there's been lots going on around here this weekend!

The first stage of the 2nd biggest bike race has been here this weekend, passing right past the end of my street!!

Giro D'Italia Belfast 2014

And at home, I took the notion to move my rooms around!  I had an epiphany!

Why have a huge big bedroom (which I don't spend much time in) and a small sewing room (which I spend practically all my time in!).  My sewing room leads off my bedroom so with much humping of furniture, lots of bumps and bruises later, I now have a cosy wee bedroom and a giant workroom!  Squeeee!

Plenty of room now for me and my apprentice!

And speaking of my apprentice, just look at what she's been up too:

Shannon's QAYG Handbag

A 'Quilt as you go' handbag (she made this in a few days by simply following my pattern!):

Shannon's QAYG Handbag
We found some old Jeans pockets which were perfectly co-ordinated with her fabrics!
A Laptop Sleeve (she combined 2 patterns and rustled this up in an afternoon!):

Shannon's Laptop Sleeve
Fabrics from Ikea!
And her first quilt top:

Shannon's First Quilt Top

Shannon's First Quilt Top
Look who was lurking behind!!
This will be a class sample - she's certainly got the sewing bug!  Should I be worried??

Have a great start to the new week!

Jude xo


  1. Your apprentice is certainly worth holding on to. Well done. The Giro also passed te end of our road, it was exciting wasn't it

  2. so very very pleased for you on all counts. except maybe stash

  3. your apprentice is certainly very skilled, 2 lovely makes here. What a good idea to swap rooms, I am spread out all over the house with my stitchy things but stitch in the kitchen as it is the only warm room in the house.
    Must have been quite a sight seeing all those cyclists, not sure it f I will see the Tour De France when it comes to Yorkshire

  4. Happy new sewing space! Your apprentice is doing brilliantly.

  5. Hooray! What a good idea :) your apprentice is very talented like her mama :)

  6. You're teaching her good!

  7. Apprentice is doing sterling work. Might need to invest in a safe for your precious stash fabrics though! She is steaming through the projects! Clever re-arrangement of space to shift rooms. Bet you will fill the bigger space in no time though!

  8. What a great idea for your sewing room, makes sense to me. Well done to your apprentice, she's getting good.

  9. Wow, like mother like daughter - Stunning makes!

  10. Fab idea moving around your rooms. Love it when inspiration strikes :)

  11. What a terrific idea, i might suggest to Rob he sleeps in the goat shed and i use our bedroom as a sewing room, I can sleep on the sofa surely!! Your new apprentice is shaping up fabulously, not long til she ends up teaching you I imagine :o)

  12. Wow your apprentice is doing amazing. Great idea to swap the rooms around, cozy bedrooms are the best

  13. Great idea!! And what a fabulous apprentice... you're obviously training her well!!

  14. Wow lots of great stuff here! Please can we have a virtual tour of your sewing space when you are all settled in. We had a weekend of my husband running for 24 hours - not as fast as the bikes I don't suppose!

  15. You have created either a stash-robbing monster, or an able assistant; time will tell x

  16. You should starting to hide your stash. She made gorgeous things. Love the QAG bag. So beautiful!

  17. definitely worry, worry what you forgot to do sooner, to get her infected! Well done to you both! new workshop, fantastic apprentice!

  18. Stitching apprentice is doing a great job! Is this your eldest daughter helping before she begins uni next semester? I'd only be worried about your stash depleting!


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