
Tuesday 1 April 2014

You Can't Be Serious!

Well that month just went by in a blur!!

Even my kids think March was a quick one!  This time last year it was the Easter school holidays here.  With Easter being later this year, the term has been long and tiring, so we are all looking forward to the school holidays in 2 weeks time.

I'm happy with what I managed to get done in March, only 1 secret project not listed below!

March14 Roundup

I have a tonne of pattern writing to do in April, so not sure how much actual sewing I'll get done.  But I'm looking forward to lots of chocolate eating!

Happy first of the month!  Linking up with Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day!

Jude xo


  1. Wow that's a lot of projects! Well done.

  2. March flew! I adore that appliqué picture and the house door stop!

  3. I'm not surprised that you are 'happy with what you managed to get done in March', some fantastic sewing there, simply gorgeous. I would have been 'delighted' at the very least x

  4. What a wonderful month you had with so many lovely makes. I love the Hexi quilt and cute door stops!

  5. Nice job missus! I'm with you, hanging out for easter weekend to roll round,

  6. lots to see here and like the words do what you love love what you do you have used on one of the projects


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