
Tuesday 8 April 2014

Cutting Crazy!

I don't seem to be able to stop myself from cutting into fabric at the moment. I've barely finished cutting up one layer cake, and I've hacked into another, or a fat quarter bundle (or 2!). 

I'm clearly needing to indulge the flow of ideas and creativity that are buzzing about in my head like some kind of deranged bumble bee!!

Problem is, I'm not getting much sewing done, just creating more and more piles of WIPs!! Oh dear!

And the only sewing done today, was half an hour of EPP in the Hospital coffee shop!

My daughter was having her legs scanned at half hour, and hourly intervals all morning!  Fun (not!!).

Lying perfectly still for 30 minutes at a time for my 'active' one was her biggest challenge. At least she got a day off school!

But I can show you something I made last week.

hand printed 'peek a boo' flower by Ceri
 Last night started my 2 week mugrug class, and this is one of the examples!

Can't wait to show you the brilliant mugrugs that are being made!

Happy Tuesday!

Jude xo


  1. Oh, adorable! I know how you feel with the creativity buzzing - but I typically cut then start right onto piecing, then right onto quilting. If I can't finish a project asap I get wonky!! I have my bee blocks from the last two years just sitting in boxes...if I didn't start them, I can't finish them!!

  2. Such a great project - folks can let their personalities shine AND learn all of the skills you need to quilt. You're such a smart teacher. xx

  3. Hope daughter is ok. Dont think of it as WIPS, think of it as having the donkeywork done and a stack of projects all ready for the fun bit!

  4. hope daughter is ok. love the mug rugs and the choc bandage. where do the biscuits come from?

  5. I might have a cure for that WIP pile ;o)

  6. Hope all is well with your sweet daughter....I love the portability of the epp don't you...cutting up fabric is a great past time!heheheh....

  7. trust all is well following the leg scan for your daughter.
    Mug rug looks good, really like the binding you have used.
    Can a girl have too many hexies I think not!

  8. Very pretty mug rug and hexies. Hope all the scanning will help to reveal and source treatment for L.

  9. hope all goes well with your daughter x at least you got some hexagons made .. looking forward to seeing the mug mats x

  10. I have spots of cutting madness as well, it's my favourite bit so I think that's why!

  11. EPP has to be the best type of portable stitching. Hope your duaghter is fine. x

  12. I trust those legs will be fine, and at least it was an excuse to do some EPP.

  13. Love the mugrug! Hope your daughter is okay xx


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