
Saturday 19 April 2014

An Italian Diva!

The sun has been shining for 2 whole days now!  Hooray!

The toes have been painted (no pics you'll be pleased to hear) and no.1 daughter working on her tan in the garden!  It is exam season afterall!

My daughter had requested a 'makeup bag style' pouch for her (super artistic) friend's birthday. After much deliberation over fabrics and design, we came up with this:

Chloe's makeup pouch

I don't do minimalist, so keeping this one to the 'simple and modern' brief was a challenge.

The Italian wool I was using was also a challenge, quite the diva in fact!  So there was nothing for it but to quilt it to within an inch of its life!

Chloe's makeup pouch

I did veer slightly from the original brief, but I'm really pleased with how this roomy pouch turned out and so was my big girl!

And some of you will be pleased to hear that I am now on Instagram: #justjudebelfast

Please be patient as I haven't quite figured out how to use IG with a new phone I haven't quite figured out how to use!!

Jude xo


  1. fantastic pouch Judith. I have a hard time with minimalist look, too. I love the way it looks, I just seem to be unable to restrain myself.

  2. Love the pouch. Found you on IG, good to see you there

  3. very nice pouch, will try and find you on instagram but struggling to work it all out!

  4. Gorgeous pouch! Welcome to IG! Xxx appy Easter!

  5. Yay for Monsterz pouches and sunshine!

  6. I found you on instagram. The pouch is lovely and your weather sounds nice too.

  7. Fantastic sewing. Will find you on Insta as well. ;)

  8. Gorgeous! Love those little monsters! I'm due a new phone so I also might cave and join IG though I'm not sure I can stand yet more social media!!

  9. It's a lovely pouch Jude and I found you on IG too. I'll be patiently waiting for you to find me too? :-)) Xxx


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