
Monday 10 March 2014

New (Liberty) Lengths!

Saturday's crochet workshop was a great success!

Crochet class Mar14

There was much laughing, sighing, and a few frustrated grunts at times! But at least there were no tears!  Sarah's 'knitter's hold' was the saving grace for some of our knitters! Well done ladies on mastering your granny squares and flowers!  It's lovely seeing some of them popping up on Facebook!

On Sunday, the only sewing I managed was to lengthen a pair of trousers!

Trousers lengthened with Liberty!

These are lovely quality trousers passed down to me from a friend, but they were too short! So I added some Liberty and ribbon to the bottom!  I think these will be lovely with some summery pumps and a wee cardy!  I have a few more pairs of trousers needing this treatment too!

Trousers lengthened with Liberty!

And before the weekend was out, I got the binding sewn down on my gift quilt from Trudi

My lovely quilt from Trudi!

It only took the last episode of Midwives and the rather more delicious distracting Musketeers to get it done!!

My lovely quilt from Trudi!

Isn't it lovely! Just look at that amazing long arm quilting!  And it goes perfectly in my lounge! 

My lovely quilt from Trudi!

Thank you Troods!

Jude xo


  1. Yup, the Musketeers definitely has more eye candy that CTM ;o) Great makes all round though :o)

  2. I love the trousers idea. Reminds me Japanese cute trousers my daughter had when she was small.

  3. your ladies look very industrious with their crochet, how good to have a group lucky girls. Trousers look pretty with the liberty fabric and the finished quilt too, lots achieved this week

  4. i'd have got my binding damp if I'd done the same, CTM made me cry..

  5. Eep! Your little Liberty pants are adorable!

  6. I could cry knowing that i have to wait till christmas for another midwives episode! Probably the best show I've ever watched! My uniform definitely isn't quite as attractive as theirs. Love the blanket!

  7. Great way of lengthening your trousers, I love Liberty and have that fabric ready to add to my Liberty quilt. The quilt is perfect and what a great way to spend finishing it off...Call the Midwife and Musketeers :)

  8. Clever you with your liberty legs! T's quilting is so beautiful.

  9. have you grown? Unfortunately my trousers get shorter every time I put on weight.
    The crochet looks fun.

  10. great troosers.... Great British Sewing Bee contestant?!?

  11. Love your liberty trousers! And squee, you finished! Mwahxxx perfect for you!


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