
Friday 14 March 2014

Going Potty!

Thank goodness it's Friday!

I decided to get ahead of the Mother's Day gift making (30th March here in the UK) and make something for mum!  (needing an excuse to deviate from work stuff didn't factor at all.....much!)

Potholders for Mothers Day Mar14

I had a mini charm pack of Happy Go Lucky (from FQR last year) and some leftover jelly roll strips, which went perfectly with my stash of coloured bias binding!

Potholders for Mothers Day Mar14

These 10" potholders have heat resistant wadding inside, and are backed with non-slip table protector stuff (sorry, don't know the proper name!).

Potholders for Mothers Day Mar14

I'm really pleased with how these turned out, and think they'll look great on mum's black marble worktops.

Potholders for Mothers Day Mar14

I have a non-work Saturday to look forward to tomorrow, with a night out with the girls! Bliss!

Have a great weekend!

Jude xo


  1. These are great! Non-slip table protector stuff must be a technical term, right?

  2. Judith these are so bright and cheerful I am sure your Mum will love them, far too nice to use though

  3. These are bright cheery little additions to your mum's kitchen. Well done you for being prepared.

  4. Lucky mum!
    Enjoy your weekend off.

  5. very cheery and longer lasting than a bunch of flowers

  6. You are so organised. I will be the daughter frantically buying a card on the 28th!

  7. I love them! My mom would not make them for me so I think it is finally time to make some for myself. So when are you coming south? Have a great night out and enjoy a no-work Saturday. Hope you also have sunshine

  8. Looks great Judith and I love the round shape! Sounds great material also for the backing. x Teje

  9. Great idea with the non slippy stuff on the back. I was speaking to my gran today, who reminded me my parents are off to India a week on Monday. Guess what I've been working on today lol

  10. These are brilliant Judith! And the non slip table protector is inspired indeed! Have a great night out, and a lovely lie in in the morning! Xx

  11. oh, these are lovely. I'm sure your mom will love having these pretties in her kitchen.

  12. Great idea using non slippery stuff on the back. Love the colours nice and bright.

  13. Lovely colours, I made some pot holders a few Christmases ago and they were surprisingly time consuming! Great idea putting the non slip fabric on the back, must admit that that didn't occur to me!

  14. You have a very lucky mum. These are fab and so much better than chocolates and flowers.

  15. Super cute, and eminently useful to boot!

  16. They're pretty gorgeous pot holders! Too good to use.


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